November 2023

Universalización de las pensiones por vejez en Costa Rica

Por Pablo Sauma Fiatt En diciembre de 2018, 332.194 personas adultas mayores (65 años y más) contaban con una pensión por vejez, contributiva o no contributiva, para una cobertura efectiva de entre el 59% y el 79% de la población de esa edad –el resultado depende de la proyección de población que se utilice–. En cualquiera de los dos casos, el país enfrenta el reto de lograr la cobertura universal de este tipo de pensiones. Se propone otorgar una pensión...

Economía política de las propuestas de reforma de protección a la vejez en Colombia (2019-2020)

Por José Silva Ruiz La economía política estudia la interconexión entre la economía y la política en un Estado que tiene como función esencial el desarrollo del bienestar de la sociedad y la asignación de recursos; en este caso, para asegurar una vejez digna de la población. Desde esta perspectiva se describen las propuestas de reforma bajo tres supuestos e instrumentos de análisis: 1) individualismo metodológico (intereses privados propios o de las instituciones que representan los actores); 2) elección racional...

Pension Reforms, Longer Working Horizons and Absence from Work

By Giorgio Brunello, Maria De Paola & Lorenzo Rocco Using matched employer-employee data for Italy and newly available information on sick leaves certificates, we study the effect of an exogenous increase in the length of the residual work horizon – triggered by a pension reform that increased minimum retirement age - on middle-aged employees' absence from work due to sick leaves. We find that this effect is positive for females and negative for males. After excluding health as a plausible...

The National Landscape of State Retirement Benefits

By Jonathan Moody & Anthony Randazzo   Retirement security is ultimately about retirement income. Families and individuals want to know that during their retirement years they will have enough weekly, monthly, or annual income to live comfortably and meet their basic needs. Of course, many people aspire to more than just the basics. Ask even a handful of individuals about how they want to live in retirement, and you’ll hear a wide range of preferences. Expenses can vary from family-to-family, too,...

Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World

By Axel Börsch-Supan & Courtney C. Coile This ninth phase of the International Social Security project, which studies the experiences of twelve developed countries, examines the effects of public pension reform on employment at older ages. In the past two decades, men’s labor force participation at older ages has increased, reversing a long-term pattern of decline; participation rates for older women have increased dramatically as well. While better health, more education, and changes in labor-supply behavior of married couples may...

Unionization of Retired Workers in Europe

By Vinzenz Pyka & Claus Schnabel We shed light on an understudied group: retirees in unions. Using representative individual-level data of 19 European countries, we find that the share of retirees in unions and the union density of retirees increased between 2008 and 2020. Econometric analyses indicate that on average retired workers' probability of union membership is 17 percentage points lower than that of active workers. This finding is consistent with social custom models and cost-benefit considerations. We further find that...

AI and Retirement – How It Will Affect Your Retirement Savings

By Carolyn Young  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting humans more than any of us realize. It’s being used by marketers to gain customer insights, by manufacturers to automate processes, and by many businesses to analyze data and improve efficiency. AI’s ability to rapidly analyze large amounts of data has also given it a huge role in the financial industry, and thus can impact your retirement savings in a variety of ways. In fact, AI is being used most by the banking...

Societal aging and its impact on Singapore

By Cynthia Chen, Julian Lim, Abhijit Visaria & Angelique Chan  Societal aging is arguably one of our most critical demographic challenges (World Bank, 2016). Singapore is aging at a much faster rate compared to other countries. It will take only 27 years to transition from an 'aging society' in 1999 (7% of the population aged 65+) to a 'super-aged society' in 2026 (with 20% of its population aged 65+) (Tan Teck Boon, 2015). Japan, China, Germany, and the United States took, or will take,...

Cambio técnico y empleo post-pandemia en México

Por María Belén Conde, Agustín Filippo, Carlos Guaipatín & Lucas Navarro Este trabajo explora la evolución del empleo en México según su exposición al cambio técnico tras la recesión causada por el COVID-19. Se utilizan datos de encuestas de hogares oficiales entre el primer trimestre de 2019 y el segundo trimestre de 2022, e índices que miden la facilidad de automatización de las ocupaciones mexicanas y su posibilidad de realizarlas en forma remota. Si bien a nivel del empleo agregado...

Impacto de las remesas sobre la informalidad laboral en México: Un análisis espacial a partir de la metodología de datos panel para el periodo de 2020q1-2021q4

 Por Gladys Yazmín Quintana Durán Las remesas son utilizadas por los hogares receptores para financiar el consumo, principalmente; sin embargo, en algunos otros es destinado en actividades productivas informales, sobre todo cuando el acceso a créditos u otras fuentes de financiamiento son limitadas. Con la metodología de datos de panel espacial se estimó un modelo SARAR de efectos fijos durante el periodo de 2020q1 a 2021q4, partiendo de la hipótesis de que el incremento de los ingresos por remesas tiene...