January 2024

Evolución de los recursos federales destinados al Sector Protección Social 2012-2023

Por Gabriela Morales Cisneros  En el Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación 2023 se aprobó un presupuesto de 1 billón 757,252.3 millones de pesos para la Protección Social, este monto representa el 45.0% del gasto programable destinado a Desarrollo Social y el 29.5% del gasto programable del Sector Público. Libro completo aquí

Reforma Pensionaria

Por Enrique Díaz-Infante Chapa La reforma de 1995 creo el Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR). Fue muy positiva en cuanto a que, a través de las Afores, dio propiedad y transparencia a los trabajadores sobre su jubilación. También en cuanto a que hizo financieramente viable un sistema pensionario que fiscalmente era insostenible y generó ahorro necesario para invertir en muchos proyectos de infraestructura, con impacto favorable en crecimiento y desarrollo del país. Fuente Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias

Seguridad social y sistemas de pensiones: una valoración desde la óptica de la justicia distributiva

Por Pablo Sandoval Cabrera Cualquier sistema de pensiones viable, adecuado y sostenible debe fincarse, necesariamente, en la existencia de condiciones de equidad en la distribución de la riqueza generada por la sociedad; esto es, presupone condiciones mínimas de justicia distributiva, así como la prevalencia de oportunidades con sentido de inclusión. Partiendo de esta premisa, se establece un marco de reflexión en la búsqueda de propuestas de solución al problema pensionario y de seguridad social desde el enfoque de la justicia...

PPF 7800 Index

By Pension Protection Fund The PPF 7800 Index tracks the level of underfunding risk in the PPF-eligible universe using the latest scheme return information provided to The Pensions Regulator and the roll- forward methodology used for PPF levy purposes. There are certain simplifications within the levy calculation, as described in note 4 on page 7 of this document, that should be borne in mind when interpreting these results. In particular, the assets and liabilities have not been reduced for benefit...

Pension Funding Index January 2024

By Zorast Wadia The funded status of the country’s 100 largest corporate pension plans, as measured by the Milliman 100 Pension Funding Index (PFI), experienced a modest improvement in 2023, driven by annual investment returns of 9.94%. Declining discount rates, particularly in the fourth quarter, and the corresponding liability (i.e., the projected benefit obligation) increase of 8.33% served to partially offset the asset gains, resulting in a funded status improvement of $4 billion for the year. This gain paled in...

Inter-Generational Spillovers in Labor Supply: Evidence from a Danish Retirement Reform

By Malene C. F. Laczek In this paper, I study how the labor supply of one generation affects the next. Utilizing longitudinal Danish register data and a large retirement reform, I document that parents’ retirement significantly affects the labor supply of their adult children. This inter-generational link is driven solely by mothers. Concretely, mothers’ retirement permanently increases their adult children’s income rank by 7 income rank points, driven by increased hours worked, participation in the labor force, improved occupational rank,...

Social Security and Inequality in Belgium

By Giulia Klinges, Alain Jousten & Mathieu Lefebvre Over the years, the Belgian social security system has undergone substantial reform with a prime focus on increasing older worker labor force participation. The paper explores the effect of past reforms on inequality in old age. We distinguish two separate effects: The mechanical effect considers the change in inequality and expected benefit levels due to the reforms for a fixed retirement age distribution. The behavioral effect accounts for the endogenous change caused...

Occupations Shape Retirement Across Countries

By Philip Sauré, Arthur Seibold, Elizaveta Smorodenkova & Hosny Zoabi We study how occupations shape individual and aggregate retirement behavior. First, we document large differences in individual retirement ages across occupations in U.S. data. We then show that retirement behavior among European workers is strongly correlated with U.S. occupational retirement ages, indicating an inherent association between occupations and retirement that is present across institutional settings. Finally, we find that occupational composition is an important determinant of aggregate retirement behavior across...

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2023

By Social Security Administration  People contribute to Social Security through payroll taxes or self-employment taxes, as required by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and the Self-Employment Contributions Act (SECA). The maximum taxable amount is updated annually on the basis of increases in the average wage. Of the 181 million workers with earnings in Social Security–covered employment in 2022, about 7% had earnings that equaled or exceeded the maximum amount subject to taxes, compared with 3% when the program began...

The State of Pensions 2023: Year End Update

By Anthony Randazzo & Jonathan Moddy  In 2023, U.S. public pension funds remain fragile. According to Equable Institute’sState of Pensions 2023 report, state and municipal retirement systems are on track to miss their investment targets and are unlikely to see meaningful improvements in their unfunded liabilities or funded ratio in 2023. In this post, we will look at pension funding trends and detail the health of pension funds in an increasingly unpredictable market and where risky investments are more popular than ever....