February 2024

Gender Inequality Over the Life Cycle, Information Provision and Policy Preferences

By Alessandra Casarico, Jana Schuetz & Silke Uebelmesser We conduct a survey experiment with four thousand German respondents and provide information on two measures of gender inequality, separately or jointly: the gender gap in earnings and the gender gap in pensions. We analyze the effect of information provision on respondents’ views on the importance of reducing gender inequality and on their agreement with the adoption of policies targeted at different stages of the life cycle and aimed at reducing the...

January 2024

Impactos económicos y financieros de retiros de ahorros previsionales

Por Rosanna Costa En ocasiones previas, el Banco ha sido invitado a exponer sobre los efectos macroeconómicos de los distintos proyectos de retiros de ahorros previsionales, entre los que destacan: La fuerte y persistente alza de la inflación. El aumento en el costo de financiamiento de todo tipo de crédito, especialmente relevante los destinados a la compra de viviendas (producto del debilitamiento del mercado de capitales). El efecto negativo en el ahorro de los hogares, que perdieron lo acumulado en los últimos...

Panorama fiscal de las pensiones en Colombia

Por Julián Andrés Parra-Polanía, Jorge Llano, Santiago Leon & Iván Leonardo Urrea Rios En este documento extendemos el modelo económico usado en Parra et al. (2020) con el fin de incorporar dos grupos significativos que no fueron incluidos en el análisis original: los retirados cuya pensión es igual al salario mínimo y los individuos que no cumplen requisitos de pensión y, por tanto, obtienen una devolución de dinero (en cualquiera de los dos regímenes principales). Los resultados muestran un panorama similar al expuesto por...

La seguridad social en América Latina desde un enfoque de derechos: evolución conceptual en el marco de acuerdos internacionales

Por Sol Minoldo & Enrique Peláez Este trabajo tiene por objeto dilucidar la manera en que la conceptualización del derecho a la seguridad social (su papel, prioridades y características) y a la protección social de las personas mayores se ha ido configurando y modificando en los instrumentos de derecho. Para ello, se analiza el contenido de los instrumentos de derechos humanos, desde los primeros hasta los más recientes. El propósito es conocer cómo se han transformado las concepciones acerca de quién es el sujeto de...

La compensación del cuidado en los sistemas de pensiones en América Latina

Por Laura Pautassi & Flavia Marco Navarro El artículo analiza la incorporación de medidas compensatorias en los sistemas de seguridad social en países de América Latina, a partir de una revisión del reconocimiento del cuidado como derecho en los sistemas de pensiones en cinco países: Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador y Uruguay. Se trata de medidas de compensación que se traducen en un reconocimiento efectivo que retribuye a las mujeres por su dedicación al cuidado no remunerado y...

Public Pension Funding Index January 2024

By Rebecca A. Sielman & Richard L. Gordon  Two consecutive months of positive market performance in November and December 2023 pushed the funded status of the 100 largest U.S. public pension plans to its highest point of 2023. The plans’ estimated funded status increased from 72.4% as of October 31, 2023, to 75.9% as of November 30, 2023, and further increased to 78.2% as of December 31, 2023, as measured by the Milliman 100 Public Pension Funding Index (PPFI). Get the...

Planning for a pension scheme buyout

By Katherine Russell, Melissa Wongand & Alice Fletcher The bulk annuity market has seen an increase in full scheme buy-ins, which is a significant milestone for any pension scheme. However, there are still lots to do before the buy-in is converted to a buyout and the pension scheme can be wound up. Katherine Russell, Melissa Wong and Alice Fletcher highlight the key steps and considerations following a full scheme buy-in. Get the report here

Asset Manager, Pension Fund & ESG

By René Maatman & Kleis Broekhuizen  When it comes to sustainability, much is expected of pension funds. Of course, they must ensure value-proof pensions. They are also expected to contribute to the environment, climate, human rights, social justice, and corporate governance. ESG must be factored into investment policy. But how and to what extent? There are varying preferences within the population of pension participants. Politicians, action groups and NGOs have their own beliefs. Pension fund boards must make complex trade-offs. How...

Sustainable Finance and ESG: From Policy Concerns to Transformative Tools

By Peer C. Zumbansen  This article provides an in-depth summary of the inaugural Fall conference on ESG and Sustainable Finance at McGill University, November 2023. The conference was hosted by the SGI CIBC Office for Sustainable Finance (OSF) and the Business Law Platform at McGill’s Faculty of Law. OSF was established under the auspices of McGill’s Sustainable Growth Initiative, a cross-departmental research and collaboration platform committed to cutting-edge scholarship and training on sustainable finance, decarbonisation, green mobility, climate change and...

Collective Defined Contribution Pension with Stochastic Age-structured Models

By Fan Zhang We have reconfigured the Age-structured Model(ASM) model, leveraging its mathematical underpinnings rooted in cohort dynamics. This paper applies the novel ASM framework to the issue of Collective Defined Contribution Pension(CDC) pensions, providing a profound characterization of population dynamics and asset fluctuations at each time-age point within the pension context. This serves to substantiate the novel ASM framework as the key mathematical model for addressing CDC-related challenges. Furthermore, we have illustrated the distinct advantages of ASM through this...