May 2024

Pensioen SPECULOOS: Lessons from Brazil for Belgium

By Arun Muralidhar A commonly-accepted retirement goal for a healthy pension is for it to sustain the relatively higher standard-of-living of the latter part of one’s working life throughout retirement. A recent innovation implemented by Brazil in January 2023 might provide a solution to the pension challenges faced by Belgium, and more importantly, satisfy the key goals identified by Belgium Government. We recommend Belgium create and issue an innovative new bond – SPECial ULtra-long Obligatie (PensiOen) Salarisstook (SPECULOOS), known previously...

Financial Fragility, Financial Resilience, and Pension Distributions

By Robert Clark & Olivia S. Mitchell  We evaluate Americans’ financial robustness during the COVID-19 pandemic, using measures of financial resilience and financial fragility derived from U.S. surveys of persons aged 45 to 75 from 2020 to 2022. We analyze which factors were associated with resilience and fragility, discuss how these measures changed during the pandemic, and assess whether prepandemic resilience led to better outcomes during the period. Results show that stronger resilience was protective in terms of financial fragility,...

April 2024

Inversión Sostenible en Fondos de Pensión

Por María Noel Urban & Paula Rienz En el informe se aporta una mirada sobre la inversión sostenible como forma de buscar el equilibrio entre la rentabilidad y asegurar la sostenibilidad del futuro. El volumen de activos que manejan los fondos de pensiones les brinda un gran potencial para liderar la incorporación de criterios ASG (Ambiental, Social y de Gobierno Corporativo) en sus análisis de inversiones, elemento que es clave para apalancar el desarrollo de mercado de capitales local.  En...

Reporte anual “La inversión de las AFORES con lupa”

Por Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro Con el objetivo de fortalecer la transparencia del sistema de pensiones y estimular mayor competencia entre las AFORE, la CONSAR te presenta el reporte anual “La inversión de las AFORES con lupa” que revela la evolución anual de las inversiones de las 11 AFORES y cuya finalidad es analizar el grado de diversificación de la AFORE, el comparativo respecto al resto de la industria, sus inversiones más relevantes por tipo...

El rendimiento real de las Afores en México y sus efectos en el desarrollo sustentable.

Por Israel Reyes Reza, Noé Zúñiga González & Adrián Gustavo Trejo Valencia El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los rendimientos reales generados por las cuentas individuales del esquema de retiro denominado Pensión por Régimen 97, estas cuentas se integran por las aportaciones tripartitas que hacen el trabajador, el patrón y el Estado; las cuales, son administradas por instituciones autorizadas por la CONSAR denominados AFORES e invertidas en sociedades de inversión llamadas SIEFORES, con el propósito de generar ganancias adicionales...

Brecha de género en el sistema público pensional colombiano al año 2023. Un análisis descriptivo de las cifras de colpensiones de pensionados por vejez.

Por Rigel Peña Alvino  En el marco del Sistema Pensional colombiano se ha identificado una brecha de género en las pensiones por vejez. A través de estadísticas descriptivas y pruebas de hipótesis se corroboró que no hay suficiente evidencia estadística para afirmar que los hombres se pensionan más que las mujeres en el fondo público de pensiones por vejez en el año 2023. Esta investigación fue abordada desde diferentes ángulos, entre ellos, a) la dinámica de funcionamiento del Sistema Pensional...

Social security developments and trends – Europe 2024

By International Social Security Association Europe has historically been home to some of the most advanced social security systems in the world. Many countries in the region provide comprehensive, adequate protection against common life cycle and labour market risks for the vast majority of the population. Widespread protection of individuals over the life course enables social security systems to play a key role in ensuring economic and social stability in the face of large-scale shocks. Despite these broad protections, notable...

Another brick on the Wall: On the Effects of Non-Contributory Pensions on Material and Subjective Well Being

By Rosangela Bando, Sebastian Galiani & Paul Gertler Public expenditures on non-contributory pensions are equivalent to at least 1 percent of GDP in several countries in Latin America and is expected to increase. We explore the effect of non-contributory pensions on the well-being of the beneficiary population by studying the Pensiones Alimentarias program established by law in Paraguay, which targets older adults living in poverty. Households with a beneficiary increased their level of consumption by 44 percent. The program improved...

Economic Consequences of Pension Bailouts: Evidence from the American Rescue Plan

By Michael Dambra, Phillip J. Quinn & John Wertz Multiemployer pension plans (MEPPs) provide retirement benefits for 11 million participants, yet until recently, hundreds of these pension plans – covering 3 million participants – faced insolvency. We use the 2021 passage of the American Rescue Plan Act to examine how pension bailouts affect the management and administration of pension plans. Consistent with the ARP inducing moral hazard, we find that MEPPs increase risk taking in investment allocations, increase benefit payments,...

An Assessment of the 2019 and 2020 Pension Reforms in Mexico

By Boele Bonthuis In recent years the Mexican pension system has changed significantly. In 2019 the existing means-tested social pension was made universal – covering everyone over the age of 65 – and the benefit level increased. In 2020, the main regime of the private sector was substantially reformed, increasing contribution rates for the funded defined contribution system, lowering the minimum years of contributions needed to receive an earnings-related pension, and increasing minimum pensions. This paper tries to assess the...