November 2024

Educación financiera base para obtener un retiro digno

Por Celina Yazmin Contreras-Ávila, María Pilar Acosta-Márquez, Flor Lucila Delfín-Pozos & René Mariani-Ochoa La importancia de la educación financiera y su relación con la población en edad de retiro, 65 y más años, que aumentará en los próximos años en México, es motivo para estudiar los posibles escenarios económicos a los que se enfrentará. El estudio exploratorio y comparativo tiene como primer objetivo evaluar la pensión por jubilación de dos casos de trabajadores de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del...

Journal of Labor Economics

By Peter Kuhn This is volume 42 issue 4 of Journal of Labor Economics. Founded in 1983 as the first journal devoted specifically to labor economics, the Journal of Labor Economics (JOLE) presents international research on issues affecting social and private behavior, and the economy. JOLE’s contributors investigate various aspects of labor economics, including supply and demand of labor services, personnel economics, distribution of income, unions and collective bargaining, applied and policy issues in labor economics, and labor markets and...

Real-World Shocks and Retirement System Resiliency

By Olivia S. Mitchell, John Sabelhaus & Stephen P. Utkus Growing awareness of real-world shocks including market downturns, health surprises, and labor market readjustment is calling into question the ability of global retirement systems to remain healthy and sustain future retirees. Financial and labor market stresses are shaping how older workers fare as they head into retirement, and how younger workers must prepare financially for their futures. These shocks come on top of long-standing concerns surrounding rising longevity, along with...

Pensions in Aging Asia and the Pacific: Policy Insights and Priorities

By Rafal Chomik, Philip O’Keefe & John Piggott Asia and the Pacific has the most diverse regional pension landscape globally. Yet the region’s pension systems are facing common challenges as they attempt to expand coverage, and ensure adequacy and fairness, while maintaining fiscal sustainability. We review the structures and performance of pension systems across Asia and the Pacific. Most remain characterized by low contributory coverage, social pensions with inadequate benefits and often low (or no) coverage, and informal sector schemes...

A ‘Mandatory’ Pension Scheme? Late-Stage Dropouts from the National Pension System in South Korea

By Jongseok Oh, Seho Son & Kun Lee In this study, we investigate the patterns of individuals dropping out of the National Pension System, a mandatory public pension scheme in South Korea with a generous and redistributive benefit structure. We analyze administrative pension insurance data on individuals eligible for a lump-sum refund of lifetime accrued contributions at the age of 60 due to insufficient contribution records. We employ a set of linear probability models with region-fixed effects and within-between-region effects...

Pension Policy Preferences: Beliefs about Others

By Carmen Sainz Villalba This paper studies the information provision and belief updating on the preference for regulation on pensions for own respondents and the preference for regulation on pensions for the population as a whole. Following the work of Sainz Villalba and Konrad (2024), we conduct a survey experiment where we provide information on own characteristics and on characteristics about individuals in other income brackets. We find that respondents who overestimate the pension coverage for low income earners are more likely to want less regulation...

Forever young: where older workers keep on working

By Steven G. Allen & Ting Wang This paper examines inter-industry patterns of the employment of older workers over the last 20 years to understand where employment opportunities have grown the most. The underlying premise is that firms strategically align their age mix depending on production function and labor cost parameters. The industries that had the largest increases in the percentage of older workers were those that had the broadest pension coverage and those that made the greatest use of high-tech capital. There...

Índice de Global de Pensiones 2024 de Mercer y el CFA Institute: Un análisis y clasificación de 48 sistemas de pensiones en todo el mundo

Por Mercer & CFA Institute  El Índice Global de Pensiones 2024 de Mercer y el CFA Institute compara 48 sistemas de ingresos para la jubilación en todo el mundo, destacando los desafíos y las oportunidades dentro de cada uno. Vietnam se agregó a la mezcla este año. Utilizamos datos actualizados de la OCDE y otras agencias internacionales y agregamos algunas preguntas nuevas al subíndice de integridad. El índice está compuesto por tres subíndices, denominados adecuación, sostenibilidad e integridad, para medir cada sistema...

Panorama fiscal de las pensiones en Colombia

Por Parra-Polania, Julian Llano, Jorge León, Ivan Leonardo & Santiago Urrea Rios  En este documento extendemos el modelo económico usado en Parra et al. (2020) con el fin de incorporar dos grupos significativos que no fueron incluidos en el análisis original: los retirados cuya pensión es igual al salario mínimo y los individuos que no cumplen requisitos de pensión y, por tanto, obtienen una devolución de dinero (en cualquiera de los dos regímenes principales). Los resultados muestran un panorama similar...

Pensiones y jubilaciones de gobiernos estatales en México y su impacto en las finanzas públicas 2020-2021

Por José Antonio Villalobos López  El objetivo principal de este trabajo es conocer el monto de los pasivos laborales por pensiones y jubilaciones que generan los servidores públicos de las enti-dades federativas, buscando contestar dos preguntas: ¿cuál es el monto de los pasivos laborales que adeudan hasta el año 2021 los gobiernos locales?; y ¿qué porcentaje del PIB (estatal y nacional) representan esos montos? Este ensayo se estableció bajo el mé-todo deductivo, en el paradigma hermenéutico, con enfoque cuantitativo. Hasta...