June 2024

Investigation into the Pensions Dashboards Programme

By National Audit Office Pensions dashboards are intended to allow people to view information about their pensions – including their State Pension – online, securely and in one place. The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) expects that pensions dashboards will deliver significant benefits by supporting people to plan better for retirement, make more informed financial decisions and connect with ‘lost’ pension pots. Get the report here

Economic & Budgetary Projections for the EU Member States (2022-2070)

By Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs European Economy Institutional Papers are important reports analysing the economic situation and economic developments prepared by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, which serve to underpin economic policy-making by the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. Views expressed in unofficial documents do not necessarily represent the views of the European Commission. Get the report here

A Wealth of Well-Being: A Holistic Approach to Behavioral Finance

By Meir Statman I often note that the biggest risks in life are not in the stock market. If you want real risk, I say, get married. And if you want more risk, have children. People laugh, because the point is obvious. Yet that point is regularly lost when we speak about financial well-being, neglecting life well-being. I was motivated to write my book, “A Wealth of Well-Being, by reflecting on my own financial and life well-being and those of...

Early-Life Circumstances and Racial Disparities in Cognition for Older Americans: The Importance of Educational Quality and Experiences

By Zhuoer Lin, Justin Ye, Heather Allore, Thomas M. Gill & Xi Chen Given the critical role of neurocognitive development in early life, this study assesses how racial differences in early-life circumstances are collectively and individually associated with racial disparities in late-life cognition. Leveraging uniquely rich information on life history from the U.S. Health and Retirement Study for non-Hispanic White (White) and non-Hispanic Black (Black) Americans 50 years or older, we employ the Blinder-Oaxaca method to decompose racial gaps in...

Protection of EU Consumers Vis – À – Vis Pension Products: the Dutch Case: Towards a New Regime

By Hans van Meerten The book is an extensive examination of the intersection between EU consumer protection laws and the Dutch pension system, particularly in light of the transition to a new pension regime. It contains lessons for a new EU consumer regime vs pension products. The Dutch reform is taken a a case study. The document advocates for a comprehensive review of the Dutch pension system and its alignment with EU consumer protection laws. It suggests that while the Dutch pension...

Envejecer con orgullo. Primer Estudio sobre personas mayores LGTBI+ en Navarra

Por Equala Abordar la investigación sobre las condiciones de vida de las personas mayores LGTBI+ que hoy viven en Navarra es una tarea apasionante, en cuanto a que abre un espacio para pensar y analizar las condiciones de vida de un grupo poblacional al que le ha tocado vivir circunstancias sociales de profundos cambios en las últimas décadas. Pero, romper con la homogeneización de la vejez -este considerar que todo el mundo envejece de la misma manera- y lidiar con...

Estado de la cuestión sobre la discriminación laboral hacia la diversidad sexual y de género

Por Grecia Lorena Valencia Arcos A partir de la necesidad de conocer y contextualizar las investigaciones y acciones que se han generado en México respecto de la discriminación laboral de la diversidad sexual y de género, se llevó a cabo una revisión literaria para construir un estado de la cuestión que permitiera comprender el problema al que se enfrenta cotidianamente la comunidad LGBTIQ+. El texto comienza contextualizando el panorama internacional sobre los derechos humanos y laborales de la diversidad sexual...

Salud y tercera edad: envejecimiento en personas LGBT

Por José Arturo Granados Cosme & Nicholas Lee Hale Desde una perspectiva médico social, desagregada por sus dos objetos de estudio y en base a una revisión bibliográfica de la investigación científica producida en los últimos años, se analizan los principa-les problemas de salud que enfrentan las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero, travestis y transexuales (LGBT) de la tercera edad. Los hallazgos se muestran, por un lado, en términos de la distribución diferenciada del proceso salud-enfermedad y por otro, de...

Pensiones de vejez en emergencia: Venezuela 2015-2020

Por Carlos Aponte Blank Se explora la evolución de las pensiones de vejez en Venezuela con especial énfasis en su actual situación de emergencia. En el marco analítico de referencia, se presenta una breve contextualización de las pensiones de vejez en la evolución de la seguridad social y del Estado social venezolano así como un esquema y periodización del abordaje de las pensiones de vejez en el informe. Luego, se trata sobre la formación inicial y primera masificación de las...

May 2024

Improving Pension Information: Experimental Evidence on Learning Using Online Resources

By Denise Laroze, Charles Noussair, Gabriela Fajardo, Ximena Quintanilla, Paulina Granados, Pedro Vallette & Mauricio López Tapia When planning for retirement, deciding what to do with one's pension funds is a high-stakes, one-shot decision. It is often described in technical jargon that few people understand. Not surprisingly, individuals find the pension selection process stressful. As a consequence, many pay for advice or miss out on benefits they are eligible for because of the opacity of the retirement process. We consider...