July 2024

Changing Retirement Incentives and Retirement in the US

By Courtney Coile Employment rates of older Americans have been rising since the 1990s. While the US is fairly unique among advanced economies in not experiencing any large-scale pension reforms in recent decades, there have been multiple changes to Social Security policy that have strengthened the incentive to work at older ages. This study builds on prior work documenting the changes in retirement incentives over time to explore the effect of these changes on retirement behavior, using over two decades...

Avances y desafíos en la implementación del sistema de pensiones no contributivo en la República Dominicana

Por Manuel Delgado, Nincen Figueroa & Juan Vila  En este documento se examinan el estado actual y los desafíos del sistema de pensiones en la República Dominicana, centrándose en la implementación del régimen subsidiado de pensiones no contributivas. Se analizan los resultados de su puesta en marcha y se exploran escenarios para la ampliación de su cobertura. Se discuten los aspectos institucionales y financieros de esta ampliación, así como su impacto potencial en la reducción de la pobreza y en...

Avances y obstáculos en el sistema de pensiones en Chile (1980-2023)

Por Osvaldo Larrañaga El objetivo del próximo Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano (2024): del PNUD Chile, es analizar la capacidad de la sociedad chilena para acordar y conducir cambios sociales. Con este propósito, el presente documento analiza, en clave de economía política, la evolución que ha tenido en las décadas recientes el sistema de pensiones chileno. El eje del actual sistema es el pilar de capitalización individual, que ha tenido deficientes resultados en términos del monto de las pensiones que paga y de la desconfianza...

Seguridad social y sistemas de pensiones: una valoración desde la óptica de la justicia distributiva

Por Pablo Sandoval Cabrera Cualquier sistema de pensiones viable, adecuado y sostenible debe fincarse, necesariamente, en la existencia de condiciones de equidad en la distribución de la riqueza generada por la sociedad; esto es, presupone condiciones mínimas de justicia distributiva, así como la prevalencia de oportunidades con sentido de inclusión. Partiendo de esta premisa, se establece un marco de reflexión en la búsqueda de propuestas de solución al problema pensionario y de seguridad social desde el enfoque de la justicia...

Los sistemas de pensiones en México, Colombia y Finlandia a partir de que se transitó del sistema de reparto al sistema de capitalización individual

Por Emma Jiménez Rodríguez  La evolución de los sistemas de pensiones en diferentes países refleja adaptaciones a desafíos económicos, demográficos y sociales. Este estudio compara los sistemas de pensiones de México, Colombia y Finlandia, analizando sus características, marcos jurídicos y resultados. Se presentan conceptos clave relacionados con los sistemas de pensiones, incluyendo el modelo de reparto y capitalización individual, así como términos como cobertura, cotizaciones y beneficios. Se examinan los antecedentes históricos de la seguridad social a nivel mundial y...

June 2024

Hidden Figures: LGBT Health Inequalities in the UK

By LGBT Foundation  We believe in a fair and equal society where all lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people can achieve their full potential. Our work started in 1975 and we’ve been changing the lives of LGBT people ever since. Over the last five decades, we’ve provided information, services and support for LGBT people who’ve had nowhere else to turn. We’ve been at the forefront of the social and legal changes that mean LGBT people in the UK have more rights...

LGBT Equality Index. The most LGBT-Friendly Countries in the World.

By Equaldex  The LGBT legal index measures the current legal status of 13 different issues ranging from the legal status of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, transgender rights, LGBT discrimination protections, LGBT censorship laws, and more. Each topic is weighted differently (for example, if same-sex marriage is illegal in a region, it would have a much bigger impact on the score than not allowing LGBT people to serve in the military). Each topic is assigned a "total possible score" and a "score" is assigned...

Discrimination and Barriers to Well-Being: The State of the LGBTQI+ Community in 2022

By Caroline Medina & Lindsay Mahowald LGBTQI+ people and other “sexual and gender diverse”1 people experience structural and interpersonal discrimination that adversely affects their well-being and drives disparate outcomes across crucial areas of life.2 The current patchwork of nondiscrimination laws in states across the country and existing gaps in federal civil rights laws leave millions of LGBTQI+ people without protection from discrimination.3 The Biden-Harris administration, since the beginning of its tenure, has taken numerous actions across executive agencies to bolster nondiscrimination protections in...

Retirement Guide For LGBTQ Americans

By John Schmidt & Benjamin Curry Heterosexual Americans have historically made more on average than their LGBTQ+ counterparts. But some studies suggest that the income gap has disappeared. In recent years, gay men have been earning 10% more than straight men with similar education, experience, and job profiles. Same-sex married couples have a higher median household income than opposite-sex married couples, according to the U.S. Census Bureau data. But the issue is more nuanced than these broad statistics suggest. Source Forbes 

LGBTQ+ people still face discrimination and economic inequality. These policies could help.

By Emma Ockerman LGBTQ+ people have long been subjected to economic inequality, including higher poverty rates, a greater likelihood of experiencing homelessness, and lower median earnings. Though economic policies that would broadly uplift low-income people and workers in the U.S. — including access to better-paying jobs, a higher minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, child-care support, and quality healthcare — would similarly benefit LGBTQ+ people who might lack such resources, experts and advocates say, LGBTQ+ people face the additional burden of...