July 2024

Career Expectations and Outcomes: Evidence (on Gender Gaps) from the Economics Job Market

By Brooke Helppie McFall, Eric D. Parolin & Basit Zafar This paper investigates gender gaps in long-term career expectations and outcomes of PhD candidates in economics. For this purpose, we match rich survey data on PhD candidates (from the 2008-2010 job market cohorts) to public data on job histories and publication records through 2022. We document four novel empirical facts: (1) there is a robust gender gap in career expectations, with females about 10 percentage points less likely to ex-ante expect to get...

The Impacts of Raising the Public Pension Eligibility Age on the Lifestyles of Elderly People: Evidence from Japan

By Shinya Inukai With many countries facing rapid population aging, the sustainability of public pensions has become a pressing issue. I evaluate the impacts, including both employment and time allocation, of public pension reform on the lifestyles of the elderly. In Japan, all residents aged 20 or older are covered by the public pension, with eligibility determined mechanically based on age. I focus on the reform raising men's eligibility age from 60 to 61 in 2001 and estimate its impact...

Vejez y políticas públicas en Latinoamérica: una revisión de la literatura

Por Ariany da Silva Villar, Sara Caro Puga & Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo Buscamos identificar las perspectivas sobre la vejez en la producción académica relativa a las polí-ticas públicas para el envejecimiento en Latinoamérica. Realizamos una revisión sistemática de 82 fuentes bibliográficas publicadas entre 2000 y 2020 y las analizamos a la luz de una perspectiva crítica y feminista, por medio de un análisis cualitativo de contenido. A partir de este, caracteri-zamos a la vejez desde los principales paradigmas relacionados con...

Nuevas respuestas a viejos desafíos en América Latina y el Caribe: Un análisis comparativo de las políticas

Por FLACSO   Este informe analiza el mercado laboral y las políticas de protección social en América Latina y el Caribe y explora la estructura y dinámicas del mercado laboral, considerando cómo afectan e interactúan con las políticas de protección social implementadas en los países de la región, en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria. Libro completo aquí

Planeación financiera para el retiro desde la perspectiva de jóvenes universitarios

By Quetzalli Atlatenco Ibarra, María Teresa de la Garza Carranza & Eugenio Guzmán Soria Los jóvenes de hoy en día tendrán que afrontar mayores retos que sus antecesores en lo que respecta al financiamiento de su seguridad económica en la vejez. El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer la relación, desde la perspectiva de jóvenes universitarios, entre sus expectativas de planeación financiera para el retiro y las actitudes y creencias que las propician. Se empleó el método de ecuaciones estructurales para...

El futuro del retiro: una propuesta estratégica para la vida post-laboral

Por Luis José Delgado Quevedo & Fabiola Aguilar Díaz Este artículo académico tiene como propósito realizar una inmersión en la problemática relacionada con la falta de ahorro voluntario en México, como preparación a la vida en el retiro. Se contemplan las implicaciones directas de la nueva Ley del Seguro Social del año 1997 y las tendencias de envejecimiento poblacional. Se formalizará una revisión de literatura como herramienta inicial para conocer los patrones de comportamiento humano, los sesgos vinculados y antecedentes de...

2023 Defined Contribution Pension and Savings Report

By Gemma Burrows The 2023 survey contains data on 122 of the FTSE 350 companies and 140 other leading UK employers, which makes this one of the largest UK DC Pension and Savings Surveys in the industry. As always, we would like to thank those who took part in this survey and helped us to conduct this research and bring these valuable insights. Get the report here ___ Since our last survey, we have seen turmoil in investment markets, inflation rise into double-digit...

Global Public Pensions 2023

By OMFIF  The Global Public Pensions 2023 report explores how public pension and sovereign funds are building optimal investment strategies to address the uncertain economic environment and factor sustainability into their portfolios. The report draws on surveys, discussions, and written contributions from 22 global public funds across the world with combined assets under management of $4.3tn. These include the likes of Singapore’s GIC, Canada’s CDPQ, Australia’s Future Fund and India’s National Infrastructure Investment Fund. It also analyses the annual reports...

Retirement Benefit Distributions for California Educators

By Robert L. Clark, Denis Pelletier & Beth Ritter Distribution choices by individuals retiring from CalSTRS are examined for participants that retired between 2016 and 2023. Women are much more likely to select a member-only annuity while a larger proportion of men select a J&S annuity that provide survivor benefits. Being married is a dominant factor in the selection of J&S annuities. Greater final annual salary, older ages at retirement, and more years of service are associated with a greater probability of choosing...

Pensions for Migrants – Leveraging the Renda Success

By Arun Muralidhar, Leandro Sarai & Sid Muralidhar Since migrants typically come from developing countries, with weak currencies, and are considered informal workers in developed countries, with hard(er) currencies, they slip through the economic and social cracks. Even if they earn a reasonable income, they do not have access to the formal financial sector and hence have no retirement security (much like informal workers in developed or developing countries). Brazil’s digitally-enabled, through Tesouro Direto, RendA+ retirement income bond, designed along the...