December 2024

U.S. corporate pension funding surpluses rise in November — 3 reports

U.S. corporate pension funding ratios jumped in November thanks to positive market returns, according to three new reports. First, Wilshire Advisors estimated the aggregate funding ratio of U.S. corporate plans reached 103.5% as of Nov. 30, an increase of 1.4 percentage points above the 102.1% funding ratio estimated by the firm as of Oct. 31. “November’s increase in funded status was primarily driven by positive asset returns across most asset classes, with the FT Wilshire 5000 Index reaching an all-time high...

Pensions reform could unlock the UK economy

Make no mistake. Rachel Reeves’ maiden Budget was an assault on working people. The chancellor may not have directly hit people’s pay packets with an increase in income tax, national insurance or VAT, but families will see their living standards rise more slowly as a result. Businesses – the lifeblood of our economy – will invest less and charge consumers more. I’ll leave it there – for now. Enough has already been written about the Budget’s flaws and even though...

South Africa. Survey shows that withdrawals will be used to repay debt

A new survey sheds light on what pension fund members want to use the money for when they withdraw some of their retirement savings under the two-pot retirement system, while it also shows how much (or little) people know about this big change to pension funds. The survey was conducted by, a platform that helps South Africans make good money choices. Sarah Nicholson, operations manager at JustMoney, says among respondents considering withdrawing funds, 79% said they would use the money...

México y España, con la menor cantidad de fondos de reserva de pensiones; solo tienen recursos de 0.4% del PIB: OCDE

Por el tamaño de las reservas del sistema público de pensiones España y México ocupan los últimos dos lugares, aseguró la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). En los estudios “Panorama de las Pensiones 2024” y “Mercado de Pensiones en la mira 2024” ambos de la OCDE, se explicó que, tanto en porcentaje del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) como en millones de dólares los dos países tienen el menor fondo de reservas. Los dos países cuentan con un...

Colombia. Estas serán todas las nuevas funciones de Colpensiones: ¿Cómo se harán los pagos y recaudos de pensiones?

Colpensiones se va a convertir en el fondo más grande del país. Su función ahora la enmarca como una firma encargada de recaudar la pensión de todos los cotizantes del país, hasta los primeros 2,3 salarios, y también será el único fondo pagador de las mesadas. Lo más relevante: ¿Cuáles serán las funciones de Colpensiones? Dentro de lo establecido por la nueva norma, se van a recibir ahora los aportes de un total de 19 millones de cotizantes en el país. Así mismo,...

Afores en México 2024: un panorama en constante evolución

En 2024, la preocupación por el retiro se intensifica y las reformas previsionales son un tema de debate nacional, en el que el sistema de Afores en México juega un papel crucial. Según datos de la CONSAR, al cierre de agosto 2024 el saldo total de las cuentas individuales de los trabajadores se ubicó entre los $5 y los $6 billones de pesos1, lo que representa un crecimiento aproximado del 7% respecto al año anterior. Sin embargo y a pesar de...

Panamá. CSS entrega informes financieros y estudios actuariales para su revisión

El director de la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS), Dino Mon, hizo entrega de documentos públicos sobre los informes financieros, estudios actuariales y un estudio de la Organización Internacional de Trabajo (OIT) con el Minsiterio de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral (MITRADEL), a la Comisión de Salud, Trabajo y Desarrollo Social, para su respectiva revisión. De igual forma, el diputado Alaín Cedeño, presidente de esta instancia legislativa, informó que mañana darán a conocer un comunicado, donde se explica la metodología y...

China raises veterans’ pensions for 20th consecutive year

In a move that underscores its commitment to supporting military veterans, China has announced increases to the pensions and living allowances enjoyed by certain retired service members and other eligible recipients. The adjustment marks the 20th consecutive year that China has raised allowances for veterans, reflecting a sustained emphasis on honoring their service, according to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs. China has been working to better protect the rights and interests of the country's ex-servicemen and improve their well-being. In August, China...

US. Gen X investors ‘sandwiched’ between caregiving responsibilities and preparing for retirement

Retirement is right around the corner for some Gen X investors, but are members of the “sandwich generation” – tasked with caring for both children and aging family members – prepared? According to a new survey from Nationwide, one in five are unable to save for retirement, and 23% have reduced or stopped making retirement contributions entirely. What’s more, one in six are withdrawing from retirement accounts or investments to manage the financial pressures of caring for both their parents...

Rise and Challenges of India’s Gig Economy

According to a white paper by the Forum for Progressive Gig Workers, the gig economy in India is projected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17%, reaching USD 455 billion by 2024, driving significant economic growth and employment opportunities. What is the Gig Economy? About: The gig economy refers to a labor market characterized by short-term, and flexible jobs often facilitated through digital platforms. It involves individuals or companies offering services on a temporary or task-by-task basis, rather...