August 2024

Impact of COVID-19 on Healthy Life Expectancy of Older Adults in the Region of the Americas

The Region of the Americas has experienced a significant decline in the health life expectancy (HALE) of older adults at age 60 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. New data from the WHO Global Health Observatory reveals that the HALE at 60 years old was reduced from 16.61 years in 2019 to 15.21 years in 2021 in the region. This dramatic decline underscores the severe impact of the pandemic on older populations, reversing years of advancements in public health and longevity. The...

México. Afore, socias del gobierno en plantas adquiridas a Iberdrola

Siete de las 10 administradoras de fondos de ahorro para el retiro (Afore) que operan en México se convertirán en socias del gobierno en el paquete de 13 plantas de generación de energía compradas a Iberdrola, destacó Guillermo Zamarripa, presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Afores (Amafore). La inversión conjunta de las Afore será de 35 por ciento de los 2 mil 400 millones de dólares que en su momento invirtió el gobierno en esas plantas. Tanto las Afore como el...

Chile. Luis Mesina (No+AFP): “El Gobierno se allanó a satisfacer las demandas de los fondos de inversión”

Cuestionamientos y reparos se multiplican en torno al acuerdo entre el Gobierno y el Congreso Nacional para destrabar la tramitación de la reforma previsional, que sería despachada en enero del 2025 según el pacto. Una de las voces más críticas hacia los giros que ha tenido el Ejecutivo en su propuesta es la coordinadora No+AFP. En diálogo con Radio y Diario Universidad de Chile, Luis Mesina, vocero de la organización, expresó sus objeciones, especialmente respecto a los cambios que ha tenido la propuesta inicial del programa de gobierno del Presidente...

Colombia. Qué es la “ventana pensional”, el sistema que permitirá que 800 mil colombianos se trasladen de fondo de pensiones

Pasado más de un mes desde la sanción de la reforma pensional que promovió el gobierno de Gustavo Petro, siguen saliendo a la luz algunos conceptos nuevos para los colombianos. Uno de esos es el de “ventana pensional”, al que se refirieron desde Asofondos el martes 20 de agosto de 2024. Desde la asociación se refirieron al impacto para los afiliados a fondos de pensión que provocarán los cambios en el sistema, pero además, del “único componente vigente es la...

Puerto Rico. “En veremos” el pedido de los bomberos para una pensión justa

Ante el llamamiento del Sindicato de Bomberos de Puerto Rico para que convoque a una sesión extraordinaria, el gobernador Pedro Pierluisi indicó este lunes que es un asunto que está “en veremos” y que cualquier medida que se redacte en pro de un mejor retiro para estos empleados públicos no puede alterar lo acordado en el Plan de Ajuste de la Deuda (PAD) del gobierno central. “Ahí tienen que volver a redactar un proyecto que cumpla con los requisitos de la orden de confirmación del...

UK. Almost four in 10 pensioners have retirement regrets

Almost four in 10 (39 per cent) pensioners have retirement regrets, research from Hargreaves Lansdown has found. The research revealed that the top regret for retired people was failing to put together a plan early enough (15 per cent). In addition to this, one in 10 said they regretted not boosting contributions early enough, while 1 per cent said they wished they had taken financial advice. The research also revealed that 3 per cent of pensioners said they wish they had kept...

Milliman analysis: Competitive pension risk transfer costs climb from 100.3% to 102.5% in July

Milliman analysis: Competitive pension risk transfer costs climb from 100.3% to 102.5% in July Competitive bidding process saves about 2.4% of buyout costs as of July 31 Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced the latest results of its Milliman Pension Buyout Index (MPBI). As the pension risk transfer (PRT) market continues to grow, it has become increasingly important to monitor the annuity market for plan sponsors that are considering transferring retiree pension obligations to an insurer. During...

Money managers stand firm on AI stocks in Asia

Artificial intelligence stocks led the market rout that took place in late July and early August, but fund managers say there still are AI companies with structural growth potential, particularly in Asia. Some investors might associate AI stocks with big names such as Nvidia, Meta Platforms, and Tesla, but the AI universe also includes a slew of manufacturers that enable the technology, the managers said. “People bucket AI into one big thing, but we look at it as a part of it...

UK. Pension organisations call on Treasury to expedite regulation of investment consultants

ShareAction has written to the Treasury urging it to expedite plans to regulate all activities of investment consultants. The charity was joined in its call by several pension organisations, including the Association of Member-Nominated Trustees, Pensions for Purpose, and Make My Money Matter. ShareAction noted that, at various times over the past 10 years, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), and parliamentary committees have called for investment consultants to be brought within the FCA’s regulatory framework. It urged...

South Africa. Two-pot retirement system: fewer early withdrawals, more financial optimism

While many South Africans who are members of pension funds are counting the days until they can withdraw from their savings pot under the two-pot retirement system, research suggests that fewer people plan to dip into their retirement savings early, probably thanks to financial optimism as the economy improves. According to the 2024 Old Mutual Savings and Investment Monitor that took a deep dive into the two-pot retirement system, the number of working South Africans with retirement savings provision (income...