September 2024

Argentina. Milei vetó reforma de pensiones aprobada por el Congreso debido al impacto fiscal que tendría la medida

El Presidente argentino Javier Milei vetó la ley aprobada por Congreso nacional que ajustaba las pensiones argumentando que afecta las cuentas públicas del Estado, según un decreto publicado en el Boletín Oficial en la madrugada de este lunes. Milei asumió el cargo en diciembre pasado y aplicó estrictas medidas de austeridad como parte de un intento para contener la inflación de tres dígitos, aunque la pobreza ha aumentado hasta perjudicar a la mitad de la población argentina. "La administración de los recursos públicos debe ser realizada en forma responsable y conforme a...

Pensión por invalidez en Colombia: Colpensiones tendrá que reconocerla en estos casos

La pensión por invalidez en Colombia se otorga a las personas que han perdido hasta el 50 % de su capacidad laboral. Colpensiones, en el marco de la norma vigente, también reconoce ese derecho. Sin embargo, y por una acción ante la Corte Constitucional, la entidad deberá entregar este beneficio en otras ocasiones. Dice la ley que la pensión por invalidez en Colombia debe entregarse cuando se han presentado todos los documentos y certificados que avalen la condición del aportante. De esta manera, en el país,...

Milei uses first presidential veto to overturn pensions increase

President Javier Milei has vetoed a pension increase approved by Congress in mid-August, his first use of the presidential power since taking office in December. He signed the veto on Friday night and it took effect on Monday after being published in the Official Gazette. The bill passed by Congress established a hike and guarantees to prevent retirees’ income from falling behind the basket of goods. In his decree overturning the increase, the president argued the bill was incompatible with the...

US. Fortune 500 pension plans shift $1B to bonds

Many pension managers are allotting more assets to long-term investment-grade corporate bonds, reported Standish Mellon Asset Management Co. LLC of Boston today. The firm, which is the fixed-income specialist for BNY Mellon Asset Management and a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corp., said that 15 Fortune 500-company pension plans have added about $1 billion to their bond portfolios since January. Nearly half of the $1 billion is new money and the rest is re-allocated, said BNY...

Danish pension fund leaves Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance

Danish pension fund PKA has withdrawn as a member of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA), the fourth exit from the initiative and the first in more than a year, Responsible Investor can reveal. The €59.1 billion fund, which manages four pension plans within the social and healthcare sectors, joined the NZAOA in March 2021 and withdrew its support from the UN-backed group, which is part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), on 31 August. A spokesperson for...

US. This Triple Tax-Advantaged Retirement Account Is Getting a Big Boost for 2025

The IRS doesn't always give away tax breaks for free. Often, there's some sort of catch involved. With a traditional IRA or 401(k) plan, for example, you get a tax break on the money you contribute. But in return, you're not allowed to access that money before age 59 1/2, and taking an early withdrawal generally results in an expensive 10% penalty. Health savings accounts, or HSAs, work similarly. While these accounts are loaded with tax breaks, there are strict rules you...

UK. More than half of women expect to run out of money during retirement, as gender pensions gap persists – Fidelity International

More than half (52%) of women in the UK do not believe they will have enough money to sustain their income in retirement, according to findings from Fidelity International’s annual Women and Money study.1 The research indicates that a significant number of women have adjusted their financial plans in response to economic pressures over the past 12 months. Specifically, more than one in ten (12%) women have reduced their pension contributions – with those who have done so cutting back by an average of...

México. Las Afores y la desaceleración económica

Las Afores son uno de los elementos centrales de la economía mexicana, durante 2024 han manejado un total de más de 5 billones de pesos en activos, presentando un crecimiento sostenido en comparación con años anteriores, reflejando la importancia creciente de la planeación financiera de los mexicanos. Sin embargo, el entorno económico global, marcado por la volatilidad en los mercados financieros, la inflación y el aumento en las tasas de interés, ha impactado el rendimiento de las inversiones de los...

Chile. CAE, pensiones y seguridad: ministros de Boric inician fuerte despliegue en septiembre por tramitación de reformas marcadas por el clima electoral

Después del 18. Para esa fecha, el ministro de Educación, Nicolás Cataldo (PC), se comprometió a enviar el proyecto que moderniza el sistema de financiamiento de la educación superior y que busca terminar con el Crédito con Aval del Estado (CAE). Para ello, el secretario de Estado ha mantenido un activo despliegue con colectividades de distintos sectores políticos, lo que se seguirá durante esta semana. Y es que este miércoles el ministro comunista estará nuevamente en la sede del Partido Socialista, en donde se reunirá...

UK. Third of retirees overspending amid rising cost of living

Nearly a third of UK adults have admitted to being ‘retirement overspenders’ due to the rising cost of living. Research by PensionBee also revealed 20 per cent of those aged over 55 have consistently spent more than they expected to during their retirements so far. With an additional 11 per cent admitting this had occurred early on in their retirement. Daily living expenses emerged as the largest financial burden for retirees, with 28 per cent citing it as their top item of...