May 2023

How To Minimize Ageism Through The Use Of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promise in the fight against ageism, and future technologies powered by AI can be a first step to ensure older adults are fully involved in the processes, systems and, ultimately, services that will affect them throughout the aging journey. Healthcare providers, governments, academia, not-for-profits and businesses can ensure that AI is not only strengthening healthcare for older adults but also empowering them to meet their individual needs. At the same time, there are also significant risks...

UK. British Steel forges $3.4 billion buy-in to fully insure plan

British Steel Pension Scheme, Glasgow, Scotland, insured £2.7 billion ($3.4 billion) in liabilities through a buy-in with Legal & General Assurance Society, securing a buyout, according to a news release. The latest deal, which was the plan's fourth risk transfer deal since November 2021, covered the remaining 40% of liabilities and the benefits of all 67,000 plan participants. In 2017, the British Steel Pension Scheme was restructured after its plan sponsor, Tata Steel U.K., experienced financial difficulty. "Since the new scheme was...

Perú exime de impuesto de renta a Chile, Colombia y México por inversiones de AFP

Convención internacional reduce los impuestos a pagar por rentas generadas por intereses a un máximo de 10% del importe bruto de los intereses El gobierno emitió una nueva norma que buscaría dinamizar el mercado de los fondos de pensiones entre México, Colombia, Chile y Perú, países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico, al eliminar el Impuesto a la Renta en el marco de la doble tributación, a pagar por las ganancias de capital generadas entre dichos países. Esto, además, tendría un...

México. Multas a las afores cayeron 46% anual en el 2022: Consar

En el 2022, la Comisión Nacional del Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) multó con 12.1 millones de pesos a las 10 administradoras de fondos para el retiro (afores), lo que representó una contracción de 46.1% anual en términos reales, de acuerdo con el Informe Anual entregado a la Junta de Gobierno. El regulador del Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR) también informó que el total del monto de las multas, en donde también se se incluye a...

Proyecto que planteaba cierre de las AFP quedó archivado en Comisión de Trabajo

El predictamen que esperaba crear el Sistema Integrado Único de Pensiones (SIUP), que implicaba el cierre de las Administradoras Privadas de Pensiones (AFP) para que exista el control estatal, quedó archivado en la Comisión de Trabajo del Congreso. Sigrid Bazán, quien preside la Comisión de Trabajo del Congreso, comentó el martes -durante la sesión ordinaria- que se recibió un oficio de retiro de solicitud de reconsideración de votación de la congresista María Taipe (Perú Libre). “El dictamen continuará con su trámite...

US. Pension Funds Appear Unfazed by Potential US Default

With the X-date looming for when the U.S. government could default on its bonds and welch on paying other obligations due to the standoff over raising the federal debt ceiling, there is scant panic among pension plans. While they have little to say publicly about the prospect of a default, one CIO said, “We have enough liquidity to get through this, and we think [the impasse in Washington] will be resolved quickly.” Typically, plans exude an outward calm. A spokeswoman for...

Hong Kong: Older people are increasingly choosing to work longer

People nearing or past age 65 are increasingly choosing to work longer. Between 2011 and 2021, the share of labour force participants aged 55 to 64 years rose from 49% to 59%, and that of people aged 65 and over more than doubled, from 6.2% to 12.5%, according to a report released by Prudential plc. Financial need is a major motivator in Hong Kong in the decision to prolong one’s working life, as lifespans in Hong Kong grow longer, says...

What’s the State of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Pension Savings?

Less than 10% of the workers in sub-Saharan Africa save for old age, the lowest rate for any region in the world. That implies most of the breadwinners today won’t be able to afford basic items after retirement. A pension plan is meant to commit employers to make regular savings so that employees will continue to earn after retirement. Pension schemes in sub-Saharan African countries are characterised by low contributions due to low earnings, high informality, high financial illiteracy levels and lack...

UK. Pensions industry set for ‘fraud crisis’

Greater accessibility to retirement savings could leave Brits ‘highly vulnerable to a wide-scale wave of scams’ The pensions sector is facing a looming fraud crisis that could see millions of pensioners scammed out of their life savings, according to a report from LexisNexis Risk Solutions The Digital Pension Fraud: a looming crisis awaits report found that industry experts fear greater accessibility to draw down cash from retirement savings as digital pension services come online will leave pension holders highly vulnerable to...

México. Anuncia AMLO alza salarial de 8.2% y mejora en las pensiones de maestros

En el Día del Maestro, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador anunció un incremento de 8.2 por ciento directo al salario de los educadores, retroactivo al primero de enero, y garantizó que ningún maestro ni trabajador de la educación ganará menos de 16 mil pesos mensuales. En conferencia matutina realizada en Palacio Nacional, indicó que esta medida implicará destinar 42 mil millones de pesos adicionales al presupuesto; es decir, “al fortalecimiento de la educación pública en nuestro país. No es...