May 2023

US. Pension risk transfer market off to strong start this year

The U.S. pension risk transfer market had a very strong first quarter, with an estimated $6 billion in total volume, according to a report from Legal & General Group. The estimate exceeds the previous record for a first quarter set last year at $5.3 billion. Legal & General noted that PRT activity has traditionally been the slowest during the first half of the year and projects a total of $23 billion in volume for the first half of 2023. The...

UK. Improving financial security in retirement

How much to put aside for retirement is one of those issues that many working age people do not like to think about very much. With the last seven years dominated by Brexit, dealing with a pandemic and recovery from it, supporting households and businesses with energy bills and the cost of living crisis, it is also fair to say retirement saving has not been front and centre in the mind of policymakers either. While there was a lot of policy...

The whys and wherefores of pension adequacy in India

While a pension of 50% of last salary may seem reasonable in view of the fact that some expenses such as on commuting, housing and dining get reduced after retirement, other expenses, such as on health care, travelling and insurance increase and offset savings to some extent. Some financial planners speak of the 80% rule, which states that one needs 80% of last salary to have a reasonably comfortable life after retirement. There is some merit in this argument There...

Hong Kong’s ageing population time bomb to leave a shortage of 60,000 residences for the elderly by 2032: JLL

Hong Kong will face a shortage of over 60,000 residences for the elderly by 2032 as the city’s population rapidly ages, before eventually becoming the world’s oldest society by 2050, according to JLL. The city’s Kwun Tong, Yuen Long, Sha Tin and Eastern district are among the areas with the most serious ageing problem, the property consultancy said in a report on Tuesday. In Kwun Tong, only one in 41 elderly people will find a place in elderly homes, it...

México. Afores reportaron 142,715 millones de pesos de plusvalías entre enero y abril

Las 10 administradoras de fondos para el retiro (afores) reportaron plusvalías por 142,715 millones de pesos entre enero y abril del 2023, informó la Comisión Nacional del Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar). La Consar también reportó que solamente en abril se observaron plusvalías por 3,915 millones de pesos. El dato del cuarto mes contrastó con los 108,599 millones de pesos registrados en marzo de este año. Janneth Quiroz, subdirectora de análisis económico en Monex, comentó a este espacio que...

Chile. Cámara de Diputados aprueba fusión de los diez proyectos que buscan un “sexto retiro” desde las AFP

La Sala de la Cámara Baja aprobó la medida por 114 votos a favor, tres en contra y tres abstenciones. Ahora, el proyecto fusionado regresa a la comisión de Constitución para luego ser votado durante la primera semana de junio. La Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados aprobó la fusión de los diez proyectos presentados para un “sexto retiro” desde los fondos previsionales, hecho que había sido acordado previamente por la comisión de Constitución de la Cámara Baja. En concreto, la fusión...

Colombia. Fondos de pensiones, ¿los mayores financiadores del Gobierno?

En abril, los mayores compradores netos de los bonos de deuda pública, conocidos también como TES, fueron las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP), que en ese periodo realizaron compras netas por $6,4 billones. Según este balance del Ministerio de Hacienda, el aumento del saldo fue impulsado por una compra neta de TES por $6,1 billones. Actualmente, la participación de estos fondos privados sobre el saldo total de TES asciende al 27,2%, ampliando la diferencia con los fondos de capital extranjero...

What the debt ceiling standoff could mean for your retirement plans

President Biden is expected to meet with congressional leaders on Tuesday about the debt ceiling, with just about two weeks until the country could run out of money to pay its bills. Economists and administration officials have warned that a potential default on the national debt — for the first in U.S. history — would amount to financial disaster, wreaking havoc on the domestic economy and rattling global markets, too. "Our economy would fall into a significant recession," Biden told reporters...

UK Pensions Regulator refreshes its guidance for trustees on being prepared for sponsor distress

The UK Pensions Regulator has updated and re-issued its guidance for trustees of defined benefit pension schemes, urging them to be prepared for signs of sponsor distress. If trustees are ready to take protective action at an early stage, more options will potentially be available to them, which should maximise their ability to protect members’ interests. The guidance was first issued during the Covid-19 pandemic in November 2020, and we previously reported on it here. The revised version appropriately moves...

Macron promises €2 billion in tax cuts for French middle class

As part of his continued attempt to move past his government’s contentious pensions reform, French President Emmanuel Macron has announced two billion euros of tax cuts for the middle class before the end of his term. In a televised interview Monday evening, Macron said he wants to “concentrate” two billion euros of tax cuts on people “who work hard, who want to raise their children well and who today, because the cost of living has increased… have trouble making ends...