June 2023

Uganda’s pension sector witnesses impressive growth in assets and benefit payments

In the wake of Covid-19 lockdown measures and with rising demand for short-term access to pension money, growth in assets, investment portfolios, and benefit payments defined the health of Uganda's pension market. The total assets of the sector climbed from Ush17.8 trillion ($4.8 billion) in 2020–2021 to Ush19.9 trillion ($5.2 billion) in 2021–2022 according to the most recent statistics provided by the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority. Private fund managers controlled assets worth less than Ush3 trillion ($801 million), while the...

Global fertility has collapsed, with profound economic consequences

In the roughly 250 years since the Industrial Revolution the world’s population, like its wealth, has exploded. Before the end of this century, however, the number of people on the planet could shrink for the first time since the Black Death. The root cause is not a surge in deaths, but a slump in births. Across much of the world the fertility rate, the average number of births per woman, is collapsing. Although the trend may be familiar, its...

May 2023

México. 58,018 trabajadores se pensionan mediante Afores tras reformas al IMSS y el SAT

Tras las reformas al Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) y al Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR), que entraron en vigor en 2021, se han pensionado 58,018 trabajadores a través de las administradoras de fondos para el retiro (Afores), de acuerdo con la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar). En el informe correspondiente al primer trimestre del año, el regulador detalló que el 93.5% de los trabajadores beneficiados, equivalente a 54,240 personas, contaban con...

Perú. Pensiones: “El mundo nos está demostrando que no somos capaces de sostener beneficios definidos”

Tanto en el Ejecutivo como en el Legislativo existen hoy comisiones que tienen por encargo diseñar una propuesta de reforma del Sistema de Pensiones. Si bien existen puntos de consenso, existen otros que aún generan controversia. Una de ellas, asociada a la solidaridad y la capacidad del Estado para financiar la cobertura. En entrevista, Alice Gutiérrez, Directora del negocio de ahorro y retiro de SURA Asset Management y experta en sistemas de pensiones, sostiene que ambas partes deberán lograr un...

México. Observatorio de Salarios expone situación de la vejez en México

El envejecimiento exponencial de la población mexicana ha puesto en jaque a los sistemas políticos, económicos y de salud en el país. Tan solo en 1980, a nivel nacional la población adulta mayor alcanzaba 5.4% de la población total, para el 2020 ya era el 12% y se espera que para el 2050 llegue al 21.5%. Por ello, organizaciones como el Observatorio de Salarios de la IBERO Puebla, instan al Estado a generar un entorno adecuado para la vida de...

España. Escrivá defiende que la reforma de las pensiones no afecta la competitividad de las empresas

José Luis Escrivá ha defendido a capa y espada su reforma del sistema de pensiones este martes en el encuentro que el Cercle d'Economia celebra en Barcelona. El ministro de Inclusión y Seguridad Social mantiene que las medidas aprobadas, cuya segunda fase salió adelante en marzo con el apoyo de lo sindicatos y el rechazo de la patronal, garantizan la sostenibilidad del sistema y en ningún caso ponen en peligro el mercado laboral. Los costes laborales tras la reforma,...

Netherlands set to reform $1.6 trillion private pension sector

The Netherlands is set for a major overhaul of its 1.45 trillion euro ($1.6 trillion) private pension industry, Europe's largest, that will see funds ditch the promise of guaranteed benefits as they try to keep a lid on costs. Following years of debate, the Dutch Senate on Tuesday gave its final approval for the shift to a "defined contribution" system, which proponents say will yield better results - though opponents have warned of the extra risks it introduces. Traditionally, Dutch workers...

UK. Derisking well funded DB schemes may be an opportunity missed

Funding is reaching record levels and DB schemes are now in a position of strength. Current regulations compel schemes to target ultra low investment returns, but taking risk and therefore return out of DB pension investments may be going too far, representing a ‘missed opportunity’ to better invest £1.5 trillion of UK DB pension scheme assets. Steve Hodder, partner at LCP, said: “For 20-plus years, regulatory focus has been on ‘slowing down’ DB schemes through reducing investment risk. This was...

South Korea’s NPS fund sticks to plan to boost overseas, alternative investments

South Korea's National Pension Service (NPS), manager of the world's third-largest public pension fund, will continue to gradually increase its target investment in overseas and alternative assets, the welfare ministry said. The NPS will invest 55% of its total assets in stocks, 30% in bonds and 15% in alternative assets by 2028, the ministry said in a statement released on Wednesday. Its five-year investment target ratios, decided by the representative panel that governs the fund's investment policies, remained the same as...

China. From demographic dividend to talent dividend

Population aging is a distinct demographic phenomenon in the 21st century, with declining fertility and increasing life expectancy combining to raise the share of elderly people in the total population of many countries. But unlike in Western developed countries, China's total fertility rate has declined drastically within a short period of time — from more than 6.0 in the late 1960s to 2.1 in 1991 and 1.6-1.7 since 1994 to 1.07 in 2022. In comparison, the total fertility rate is...