June 2023

Germany set to introduce ‘one of the most modern immigration laws in the world’

What’s going on? Germany's long-debated Skilled Worker Immigration Act aims to make it easier and faster for skilled foreign workers from non-EU countries to come to the country, to help plug the growing labour shortage. The reforms announced in March include loosening Blue Card rules and introducing a points-based immigration system. The urgency for the reforms was made clear in the latest report by the Institute of German Economy (IW) released in April, according to which the skills gap in Germany...

5 Better Ways for States to Promote Retirement Savings

Nobody plans to be broke when they retire, but American culture promotes consumption over thrift, and saving for retirement is particularly difficult for low-income workers. With Social Security so deeply underfunded that skinnier benefits and heftier taxes seem likely in the coming decade, the reluctance of many workers to save for their retirement is a mounting challenge that many states are taking upon themselves by prodding private-sector employers to provide retirement savings plans. But as it’s said about leading a...

Robot Caregivers: China’s Solution for Aging Population

China, home to the world’s largest aging population, is facing a significant challenge in providing adequate care and support for its elderly citizens. However, in a remarkable display of innovation and foresight, China embraces the potential of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) to address this pressing issue. Focusing on developing cutting-edge technology, China aims to utilize robots as caregivers for older adults, revolutionizing how aging populations are cared for. This article delves into China’s ambitious endeavors, highlighting the advancements...

Reforma pensional: megapensiones seguirían sin pagar impuestos en Colombia

La reforma pensional del gobierno de Gustavo Petro logró aprobarse esta semana en primer debate en el Congreso y, con esta, se confirmó que las megapensiones seguirían sin pagar impuestos. El proyecto se avaló en la Comisión Séptima de Senado, donde surtió un debate expedito y sin mayores complicaciones. De hecho, la ministra de Trabajo, Gloria Inés Ramírez, destacó los avances logrados en dicha corporación, que pudo avalar los más de 90 artículos del proyecto. “Hemos dotado al país para que en...

Oposición afina estrategia en pensiones: habría consenso en proponer PGU diferenciada

El reloj sigue corriendo, mientras el oficialismo y la oposición despliegan sus estrategias para destrabar la reforma de pensiones, tras 10 años de intentos fallidos en distintos gobiernos. Si bien las posiciones entre La Moneda y algunos sectores del Congreso siguen alejadas, en ambos sectores políticos esperan que la reforma -independiente de los cambios que se le pueda hacer durante su tramitación- finalmente vea la luz durante este período. En este escenario, tanto los sectores de Gobierno como la derecha buscan...

US. Teacher pensions systems are increasingly underfunded, making teachers vulnerable and salaries less attractive

By Andrew G. Biggs Pensions are an important component of total compensation for most employees but particularly for public school teachers. Teachers tend to have relatively low salaries but retirement benefits that are considerably more generous than in a typical private-sector 401(k) plan. Yet the risk facing teachers is that many teacher pension plans are significantly underfunded, placing their employers under considerable financial strain, and reducing resources available for schools and for teacher pay and benefits. The funding shortfalls facing...

UK. Fifth of savers want oil excluded from their pensions

A growing number of pension savers would like to see the oil sector completely excluded from their pension fund's investments. Some 21 per cent of pension savers say they want oil to be axed from their pension, according to a survey from online pension provider PensionBee. This has jumped from 15 per cent of pension savers last year. Alongside oil, the main investments people want excluded from their pensions are companies contributing to deforestation, habitat destruction and predatory lending. Pension savers also believe...

Korea launches new team on population policy amid low birthrate

Korea's presidential committee dedicated to addressing the aging society launched a policy planning team Monday, with the goal of strengthening inter-ministry ties on population policies amid the alarmingly low birthrate.The move came as Korea's total fertility rate, the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime, hit a record low of 0.78 in 2022, much lower than the replacement level of 2.1 that would keep Korea's population stable at 51 million.The Presidential Committee on Aging Society and...

Mexico says 200 retired Mexican boxers who fought in California may be eligible for pensions

Mexico said Friday that more than 200 retired Mexican boxers who fought in California may be eligible for pensions. The little-known pension fund holds around $2.5 million. Boxers of any nationality over age 50 were eligible, as long as they had fought one fight per year for four years, or 75 professional rounds total, in California. Mexico’s Foreign Relations Department said it had a list of 206 Mexican boxers who might be eligible. The department said it had already located 23...

Chile. Presidente Boric: “Llevamos 10 años discutiendo una reforma de pensiones sin capacidad de ponernos de acuerdo”

El Presidente Gabriel Boric este jueves reiteró la urgencia de llegar a un acuerdo en la reforma de pensiones, tal como ya lo había hecho en su cuenta pública del 1 de junio. Desde La Cisterna, en el marco del lanzamiento de la campaña "Buen Trato, Trato Hecho", en el Día Mundial de la Toma de Conciencia de Abuso y Maltrato en la Vejez, el Mandatario aseguró que se requiere llegar a consensos que permitan sacar adelante el proyecto de...