June 2023

Panamá. Más de 500 mil trabajadores dependen del sistema mixto de pensiones

En el año 2005 se reestructuró y dividió el hasta entonces régimen de Invalidez Vejez y Muerte (IVM) en dos programas, dando origen al subsistema exclusivamente de beneficio definido (SEBD) y al subsistema mixto. El llamado subsistema mixto consta, a su vez, de dos componentes: uno de beneficio definido basado en un régimen de reparto de capitales de cobertura, al que se cotiza con base a los primeros $500 de salario mensual, y otro de ahorro personal, basado en un...

The U.S. Population Is Older Than It Has Ever Been

While many 38-year-old millennials may still feel young, that age is an unusually high median for the country. The new data adds to the evidence that, like many European and Asian nations, the United States is graying, posing challenges for the work force, the economy and social programs. Low birthrates are the main driver of the nation’s rising median age, experts said. “It’s simple arithmetic,” said Andrew A. Beveridge, president of Social Explorer, a demographic data firm. “Fewer kids are being born.” Birthrates...

Over 80% of South Africans plan to work past retirement due to insufficient savings: Survey

About 89% of those who participated in the FNB Retirement Insight Survey plan to continue working past retirement age due to a lack of sufficient retirement savings. The survey, which focused on pre-retirement and post-retirement periods, also revealed that the majority of low-income earners are not confident that the retirement plans they have will deliver results due to financial constraints and age. It has also been discovered that about 39% of respondents who don’t currently have a retirement plan in place...

UK. Pension policy risks being ‘stuck in a previous era’

  Pension policy risks being 'stuck in a previous era' rather than reflecting the realities of scheme funding levels today, according to LCP partner Steve Webb. Giving evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee, Webb pointed out that back in 2014. the combined deficit of DB pension schemes stood at nearly £400bn. This is in stark contrast to the latest figures which show a surplus of over £400bn. "For many of our clients, the issues we are now discussing are about managing...

ESG resolution round-up: US pension giants split on climate proposal at Japanese bank

Big US public pension funds are divided on the merits of a climate proposal filed at Mizuho Financial Group which calls on the Japanese “mega-bank” to issue and disclose a transition plan to align its lending and investments with the Paris Agreement.     Californian giants CalPERS and CalSTRS have pre-disclosed that they will vote against the resolution on Friday, despite supporting a similar request at the bank in 2020. But The Office of the New York City Comptroller, which oversees...

Jamaica. Increases in NIS pensions

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is reporting that the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) pensioners started receiving their increases in June. Addressing Wednesday’s post-Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House, Portfolio Minister, Pearnel Charles Jr, said the pension rate increases range from 23 to 76 per cent under the National Insurance Scheme. “We are very pleased to report that our NIS pensioners began receiving their increases on June 15. It is very important for us to make sure that our pensioners...

México. Nombran nuevo Secretario del Trabajo

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador designó este martes como secretario del Trabajo, un puesto clave de su gobierno, a Marath Bolaños Torres, encargado de Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro, programa social insignia del mandatario. “Marath Bolaños López va a ser el próximo secretario del Trabajo, actualmente se desempeña como subsecretario del Trabajo y él es el encargado del programa Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro”, reveló el mandatario en su rueda de prensa diaria. El anuncio ocurre un día después del nombramiento de...

Perú. MEF presenta proyecto de reforma de pensiones, ¿qué es lo que propone?

El Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) informó que ya tienen su proyecto de ley sobre reforma de pensiones y que en las próximas horas lo colgarán en su portal institucional, para que así reciba comentarios en aras de la transparencia. “Hay un proyecto ya consensuado a nivel de la comisión del Ejecutivo, en el que están el MEF, Banco Central de Reserva (BCR) y la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y Administradoras Privadas de Fondos de Pensiones (SBS)”, indicó Alex...

Movilizaciones contra el paquete de reformas de Petro en Colombia

Decenas de miles de personas protestaron ayer en las principales ciudades de Colombia, convocadas por sectores políticos de la oposición así como ex policías y militares en retiro, contra las reformas impulsadas por el gobierno del presidente Gustavo Petro, y para exigir que responda a las denuncias de presuntos delitos durante su pasada campaña electoral. Vestidos de blanco y ondeando banderas del país sudamericano (con los colores amarillo, azul y rojo), las movilizaciones tomaron las calles de Bogotá, Medellín, Cali,...

How can you know how much to save for retirement when the goalposts keep moving? Here’s a guide.

When it comes to preparing financially for retirement, Jessica Howard is wise beyond her years. “I absolutely am planning,” said Howard, 27, a Los Angeles-based care manager who schedules medical appointments and home health care for older adults.”“I have a drive to save for retirement because…I see 12 hours a day what can happen when people don’t properly save vs. when they’re fiscally smart.” If only all Americans had the drive and wherewithal to set themselves on a solid path toward...