October 2024

UK. Frozen state pensions: thousands of expats receive just £3,000 a year

Thousands of retired Britons living abroad receive just £3,000 on average each year from a “frozen state pension” - £7,000 less than retirees living in the UK - according to new analysis. While British pensioners that move abroad still receive a UK state pension, only some of them benefit from the triple lock. This uprates the state pension each year in line with earnings, inflation or 2.5%, whichever is higher. The new full state pension is likely to increase by more than £400 next April,...

US. Who’s left out of retirement savings system?

The tax-advantaged retirement savings system in the United States is one of the most effective wealth-building programs in the world. Too many working Americans, however, are left out of it. Their access to employer-provided retirement plans is limited, and the incentives in the retirement system fail to encourage lower-income workers to save. Just how many Americans are poorly served by the retirement savings system today? It is a deceptively hard question to answer, in part because there are no comprehensive,...

Fidelity International says fund sales surged on interest rate cuts, China market rally

Lower interest rates and a rally in China stocks have helped drive sales of investment fund products offered by Fidelity International, a senior executive said. “Following [the People’s Bank of China’s] stimulus package, China’s stock markets have been performing strongly, and we believe there is some room to grow,” said Charlotte Chan, the head of Fidelity’s Hong Kong office, in an interview. “Together with the Fed’s rate cutting cycle, this motivates investors to look at their allocations, especially those who...

Cambio de Afore afecta en ahorro

Al cierre de junio pasado, 45% de los trabajadores que se cambiaron de Afore lo hicieron a una administradora que les ofreció menores rendimientos, por la desinformación y malas prácticas que persisten en el mercado, según datos de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar). La memoria documental 2018-2024 del organismo muestra que al cierre del primer semestre del año, 18.9 por ciento de los trabajadores que aplicaron un traspaso obtuvieron una calidad regular de la...

Chile. Reforma de pensiones: Comisión de Trabajo del Senado aprueba ad referendum cambios al sistema de cobranza previsional

La Comisión de Trabajo y Previsión Social del Senado aprobó, ad referendum, las mejoras al sistema de cobranza previsional que están incorporadas en la reforma previsional presentada por el gobierno del Presidente Gabriel Boric. Luego de una exposición de la propuesta por parte de la ministra del Trabajo y Previsión Social, Jeannette Jara, los senadores que integran la instancia dieron el visto bueno a la medida que busca volver más eficiente el proceso de recuperación de cotizaciones adeudadas. La ministra Jara valoró...

Perú. Propone nuevo sistema de pensiones, donde Estado y empleadores también aportarían a las jubilaciones

Tras la promulgación de la Ley de modernización del Sistema Previsional Peruano, más conocida como la Ley de Pensiones, el pasado martes 24 de septiembre, el Congreso ya está presentando propuestas para derogar algunas medidas y modificar otras. Pero la mayor propuesta fue presentada ayer 1 de octubre y es un proyecto de ley de la parlamentaria Sigrid Bazán y que propone un nuevo sistema de pensiones, que integré a los demás, así como los programa Pensión 65 y Programa Contigo. El Sistema Integrado Universal de Pensiones (SIUP) tendrá tres pilares, implicará...

Average amount needed for retirement increases by 60 per cent

The average amount needed for a basic retirement has increased by 60 per cent in the past three years, with savers becoming increasingly worried about their financial future as a result, Shepherds Friendly has found. The survey revealed that 38 per cent of respondents regretted not saving enough into their pension, while 39 per cent regretted not saving into a pension. Meanwhile, 56 per cent expressed regrets over not saving more when they were younger, while other regrets included not investing money...

UK. FCA: ‘We’ve raised the bar, we never expected all funds to get SDR label’

There is a “healthy pipeline” of funds applying for SDR investment labels, in line with where the regulator expected the market to be at this stage, the Financial Conduct Authority has said. Alicia Kedzierski, head of sustainable finance at the FCA, told delegates at the UKSIF Good Money Week conference 10 labels had been awarded as of yesterday (October 2) and many more were in the pipeline. Though she could not say how many labels the regulator expects to authorise before...

What strategies are working to increase pension coverage?

It’s no surprise that people are living longer and retiring later. Last week’s Association of Canadian Pension Management (ACPM)’s annual national two-day conference held in Kelowna, BC offered Canadian pension plan sponsors, administrators, trustees, asset managers and other retirement income system leaders a look into the organizations in Canada and around the world who are employing a range of strategies to increase pension coverage and improve retirement outcomes for Canadians. Global Pension Index David Knox, senior partner and senior actuary for Mercer...

More and more older adults are aging alone. This can increase the risk of dementia

A growing number of people 65 and older are living alone. While aging solo presents challenges, solutions are in the works. Kent Ellsworth is the executive director of the Verde Valley Caregivers Coalition in Sedona. "Out of the 3,000 individuals we've served over the last year or two, about 65% are living alone," Ellsworth said. Ellsworth says they’re also serving 10 individuals who are over the age of 100. "And they're all living alone," Ellsworth said, either by choice or circumstance. Spouses die....