November 2024

US. Corporate pension funding improves in October after discount rates rise for the first time since April

Milliman analysis: Corporate pension funding improves in October after discount rates rise for the first time since April Milliman PFI funded ratio climbs to 103.4% after discount rates increase by 35 basis points Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today released the results of its latest Milliman 100 Pension Funding Index (PFI), which analyzes the 100 largest U.S. corporate pension plans. During October, the Milliman 100 PFI plans’ funded ratio improved from 102.5% at the end of September to...

Canadian pension risk transfer sales decrease to $2.1BN in Q3 2024: report

The market volume of annuity purchases by Canadian defined benefit pension plan sponsors reached an estimated $2.1 billion in the third quarter of 2024, a small decline from $2.5 billion in the previous quarter, according to a new report by Telus Health. It noted some insurers are showing a show a strong appetite and offer competitive pricing on a broad spectrum of deals, while others that are nearing their capacity limits are adopting a more selective approach in allocating their...

México. Senado declara constitucionales reformas de vivienda y pensiones a adultos mayores de 65 años

El pleno del Senado de la República declaró constitucionales las reformas que garantizan una pensión a las personas con discapacidad permanente, adultas mayores de 65 años, así como aquella para que el Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores (Infonavit) pueda construir vivienda social y otorgar créditos. En un primer caso, conocida como reforma de bienestar, el Senado hizo la declaratoria de las modificaciones a los artículos 4 y 27 constitucionales, luego de que 22 congresos locales aprobaron las modificaciones. Se trata de los congresos de...

Chile. Jubilaciones: los desafíos que tiene el sistema local

Apartir de la discusión de la reforma de pensiones que impulsa el gobierno del Presidente Gabriel Boric, las AFP han estado en medio del debate por la modificación que busca, entre otras cosas, ponerle fin al modelo tal como se conoce hasta hoy. En ese sentido, y reflejo de la profunda preocupación de la ciudadanía, este proceso ha sido un tema central en la discusión política y social del país, siendo las pensiones consistentemente identificadas desde 2017 entre los...

Panamá propone reforma a ley de seguridad social que incluye aumento a edades de jubilación

El gobierno panameño propuso el miércoles un incremento de la edad de jubilación en mujeres y hombres como parte de una iniciativa más amplia que busca reformar la ley del organismo encargado de gestionar la seguridad social en lo que el poder ejecutivo calificó como un intento por “salvarla” de un “inminente” colapso financiero. El presidente José Raúl Mulino, quien inició su mandato de cinco años el pasado 1 de julio, prometió a los panameños impulsar los cambios lo más...

How AI could help modernize pension and retirement systems

The world is going through a seismic demographic transition, as populations age and traditional workforces shrink, prompting challenges for retirement systems that need to adapt to remain resilient. AI may be able to assist, by helping individuals make better decisions about their own retirement and by helping invest retirement assets. Given the importance of retirement, embedding trust into our AI systems is essential before they are deployed to the retirement business. Lifespans and the cost of living are rising...

US. Employers offering better retirement plan benefits — Willis Towers Watson

Employers are becoming more generous with their retirement plan benefits, according to Willis Towers Watson’s 2024 U.S. Defined Contribution Survey. While the median employer contribution to defined contribution plans remained at 7.1% of pay, the gap in overall retirement benefits offered by the most and least generous employers narrowed significantly between 2000 and 2020, the survey found. In 2020, the most generous employers — those in the 90th percentile — provided retirement benefits that were 10.9% of pay, whereas the least...

UK. Household Support Fund extended

The UK Government’s Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) recently announced an extension of the Household Support Fund (HSF) until 31 March 2025. The fund will offer critical support and advice for struggling households across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) throughout the winter period, who are finding it difficult to pay for household essentials including food and energy. Local councils are responsible for administering the fund in their area, with BCP Council being allocated £2.65 million of the £421 million national...

The evolving climate change investing strategies of asset owners

Asset owners who control substantial capital in the financial system through pension funds, endowments, foundations, and individual holdings can play a crucial role in driving investments in climate change mitigation, according to a new Yale School of the Environment study. The study, led by Emil Moldovan ’24 MESc, found that owners of large asset portfolios are recognizing the need to consider the environmental impacts of  investment decisions and aligning portfolio goals with global efforts to limit climate change. However, perceived...

México. Comisiones de Afores se han reducido a menos de un tercio desde 2008

Las comisiones que cobran las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afores) se han reducido a menos de un tercio de lo que eran en el 2008, esto gracias a la reforma implementada en el 2020 para toparlas. Después de tres años (2022, 2023 y 2024) de mantenerse en 0.57%, este 2025 el tope máximo que cobrarán las administradoras de pensiones bajará dos puntos base, a 0.55%, según determinó la junta de gobierno de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de...