November 2024

República Dominicana. República Dominicana podría aumentar hasta un 20 % las pensiones solidarias al 2030, señala la Cepal

La República Dominicana tiene oportunidad para incrementar hasta en un 20 % las pensiones no contributivas –o pensiones solidarias– al 2030, debido a que cuenta con un crecimiento económico sostenido que le permitiría asumir esta inversión social, señala la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal). El secretario ejecutivo de la Cepal, José Manuel Salazar, indicó que el aumento de las prestaciones para las personas mayores que cuentan con esta pensión implicaría destinar alrededor de un 0.3 % del producto interno bruto (PIB), un gasto que es "financieramente viable"...

Panamá. Así funcionaría la reforma de las pensiones para los trabajadores independientes

Ejemplo del cálculo con las reformas Bajo el sistema actual, si el trabajador declarase $800 dólares, los aportes destinados expresamente a la jubilación se calcularían sobre $416. De acuerdo con lo explicado, esto sigue siendo así. La cuota que debería realizar partir de la reforma es del 18% sobre los $416, es decir, $74.88 cada mes. El aporte del 18% de los trabajadores independientes ( por el 52% de sus ingresos) es una contribución equivalente al 9.75% que se...

Danish pension fund pushes for Japan, Korea to abandon coal

PensionDanmark, Denmark’s $51 billion pension fund, is calling on Japan and South Korea to completely wean themselves off coal-generated power by 2030. “We have decided not to finance new coal power planned after 2023 anywhere in the world," Jan Kæraa Rasmussen, head of ESG and sustainability at PensionDanmark told AsianInvestor. "Our ask for utilities in developed countries, including in Japan and South Korea, is that they present comprehensive plans to phase out coal as soon as possible. And that should be closer...

UK. Pensions to be key focus of Chancellor’s first Mansion House speech

Pensions are expected to be a key focus of Rachel Reeves’s first Mansion House Speech, due to be delivered this Thursday. Many in the industry are expecting the new Chancellor to set out bold pension reforms, setting out how DC and DB funds will be used to boost investment into UK infrastructure and private business over the next five years. This Mansion House speech is a key economic speech given by the Chancellor to senior City and banking representatives, outlining broad policy...

Australia. Government urged to transform Disability Support Pension after its ‘lacklustre’ response to Senate report

A coalition of disability and social services groups has called for further reform of the Disability Support Pension (DSP) and condemned the federal government for its official response to a Senate inquiry into the payment. In 2021, a months-long Senate inquiry into the purpose, intent and adequacy of the DSP received 134 submissions and held four public sessions. The inquiry reported early the following year while the Morrison government was still in power, and heard "overwhelming evidence" the DSP was inadequate and that...

Brazil’s aging population poses challenges, economists warn

By Marsílea Gombata Brazil is set to experience rapid demographic changes within the next 20 years, which could slow economic growth and increase expenditures on healthcare and pensions. However, these shifts are not being adequately considered in government decision-making, according to economists from the Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Brazilian Institute of Economics (Ibre-FGV). They caution that, from a budgetary standpoint, the government should exercise greater caution with projected spending in areas like education, given the anticipated decline in the population aged...

México. Presentan IMSS y CISS estudio “Envejecimiento, cuidados y seguridad social. El programa Centro de Día del IMSS”

El Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) y la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social (CISS) presentaron el estudio denominado “Envejecimiento, cuidados y seguridad social. El programa Centro de Día del IMSS” que describe el diseño, funcionamiento y aprendizaje para la puesta en marcha de esta estrategia de cuidados a largo plazo dirigida a personas mayores con dependencia funcional. El estudio realizado por las investigadoras de la CISS Lourdes Jiménez Brito y Michelle Martínez Balbuena permite visibilizar y reconocer las buenas...

Panamá. Asamblea comienza el análisis de la reforma de la Ley 51 para fortalecer el sistema de pensiones

La Asamblea Nacional (AN), en respuesta al llamado del Ejecutivo, inició el período de sesiones extraordinarias el 6 de noviembre, para recibir el proyecto de ley que reforma la Ley 51 de 2005, que regula el sistema de la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS) en Panamá. El ministro de Salud, Fernando Boyd, junto al director de la Caja de Seguro Social, Dino Mon, presentó ayer ante el pleno de diputados los puntos clave de la reforma. Boyd destacó la urgencia de...

US. Republicans Break Protocol to Kill Social Security Benefits Expansion Bill

While many Republicans have called to protect or even expand Social Security benefits, GOP lawmakers killed a bill that would help millions of Americans get higher monthly payments. Experts spoke with Newsweek about the possible motives behind the move. A Social Security bill that would have repealed two rules that lower benefits for certain retirees was brought forward by House Reps. Garret Graves, (R-LA) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA). Despite the bill previously having a wide range of bipartisan support and Graves and Spanberger securing the 218 signatures needed...

UK. Govt to present regs on CDC to parliament ‘as soon as able to’

Pensions Minister, Emma Reynolds, has said the government intends to present regulations to extend collective defined contribution (CDC) provision beyond single or connected schemes to parliament “as soon as [they] are able to”. Earlier this month, a consultation was launched by the Department for Work and Pensions on legislation to broaden CDC’s scope, which currently limits these schemes to individual employers or groups with existing connections. The extension seeks to allow unrelated employers to join CDC schemes, potentially opening up this pension...