March 2023

S. Korea’s pension fund posts 8.2% investment loss for 2022

South Korea's National Pension Fund reported a -8.2% investment return for 2022 and a 6.1% drop in assets to 890.5 trillion won ($706.4 billion). Domestic equity in the portfolio accounted for the biggest loss at -22.8%, followed by overseas equity at -12.3%, according to a statement by the Jeonju-based pension fund on March 2. "Domestic and overseas equity portfolios experienced a sharp drop in value due to ongoing market volatility at home and abroad triggered by the prolonged war in Ukraine...

UK. One third of people facing a drop in retirement standards

One in three savers have moved from an expected ‘moderate’ retirement lifestyle to a ‘minimum’ lifestyle, according to analysis by Wealth Wizards. The financial planning firm analysed data from more than 40,000 users of the Wealth Wizards Pension Guidance Software as a Service (SaaS) platform and found almost one in five pensioners are not on track for the living standards they would like in retirement. Additionally, the analysis of the data gathered over the last two years found one in three...

Presenta Colombia proyecto de reforma de pensiones

El gobierno de Colombia presentó el miércoles en el Congreso un proyecto de reforma pensional para ampliar la cobertura y fortalecer la administradora estatal de jubilaciones, pero que genera dudas sobre el impacto que tendría en los mercados de capitales y las finanzas públicas. El proyecto es parte de las iniciativas sociales del presidente izquierdista Gustavo Petro, junto con una reforma al sistema de salud que se tramita en el Congreso y otra al régimen laboral presentada la semana pasada. El...

Chile: diputados rechazan retiro de fondos de pensiones

Los diputados chilenos rechazaron el miércoles un proyecto de ley que permitía retirar entre el 15% y el 100% de los fondos de pensiones, lo que constituye un alivio para el gobierno del presidente Gabriel Boric. El proyecto, que de haber prosperado habría impactado en la inflación al inyectar más liquidez al mercado, recibió 96 votos en contra, 39 a favor y 10 abstenciones. El país sudamericano cerró 2022 con una inflación de 12,8%, la mayor en 30 años, y con...

Americans less prepared for retirement amid financial uncertainty – Fidelity

Americans are less prepared for retirement than they were during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Fidelity Investment's 2023 retirement saving assessment study. According to the study, which was released Tuesday and examined the responses of 3,569 retirement savers that are run through Fidelity's retirement planning platform, the typical American saver is on target to have only 78% of the income needed to cover expenses during retirement. That is down from 83% at the beginning of 2020, when...

Britain says it won’t ditch global accounting rule to unlock pensions cash

Britain on Wednesday played down the possibility of diverging from a globally-set accounting rule which some lawmakers blame for encouraging pension schemes to prefer low risk government bonds over stock markets. City minister Andrew Griffith in February said a global accounting rule needed reviewing as it had become a "performance penalty" which trapped cash in pension schemes which otherwise could be invested in companies and the economy. The so-called IAS 19 rule requires company defined benefit pension schemes to "mark to...

France. Emmanuel Macron holds firm on pensions reform amid protests

Emmanuel Macron, France president, defended his unpopular plan to raise the retirement age on Wednesday as being key to repairing the public finances but acknowledged public anger over his government’s decision to pass the law without a parliamentary vote. “Do you think I enjoy doing this reform? No,” said Macron in a televised interview. “But there are not a hundred ways to balance the accounts . . . this reform is not a luxury or a pleasure, it’s a necessity for the country.” Read also...

Perspectivas de inversión sostenible en América Latina: oportunidades para empoderar a sus habitantes y proteger el planeta

Por Alejo Czerwonko, Chief Investment Officer Emerging Markets Americas, UBS Financial Services Inc. (UBS FS); Brennan Azevedo, CFA, Emerging Markets Associate Americas, UBS Financial Services Inc. (UBS FS); Donald McLauchlan, Emerging Markets Strategist Americas, UBS Financial Services Inc. (UBS FS); Xingchen Yu, Emerging Markets Strategist Americas, UBS Financial Services Inc. (UBS FS); Chinenyenwa Amaechi, Emerging Markets Analyst, UBS Financial Services Inc. (UBS FS); Amantia Muhedini, Sustainable Investing Strategist, UBS Financial Services Inc. (UBS FS); Ronaldo Patah, Emerging Markets...

Equidad de género en pensiones

Por Comisión nacional del sistema de ahorro para el retiro Lograr equidad de género es una deuda social a nivel internacional. Una cara de este tema se refiere a los ingresos económicos en la vejez, donde los sistemas de pensiones que protegen a los ciudadanos después del retiro laboral juegan un papel preponderante. La igualdad entre hombres y mujeres es un reto, en general, en los esquemas pensionarios del mundo, ya que con frecuencia tienden a reproducir las diferencias existentes en...

La orientación sexual y sus efectos en el mercado laboral: un estudio basado en técnica sistemática de revisión

Por Daniel Suliano, Guilherme IrffiAna & Beatriz Rêgo de Sá Barreto Al utilizar la técnica de revisión sistemática, este trabajo tiene dos objetivos. En primer lugar, intentamos identificar diferentes formas de clasificación de la orientación sexual dentro del mercado laboral. Luego, en vistas al segundo objetivo, se analizó el mercado laboral como un canal que genera una distribución desigual del ingreso a través de mecanismos discriminatorios basados en diferenciales de ingresos por orientación sexual. La fuente de datos utilizada fue...