March 2023

Retirement preparedness during uncertain times

By Fidelity 2023 RSA Executive Summary Fidelity’s Retirement Savings Assessment is built upon comprehensive data from more than 3,500 survey responses that are run through the extensive retirement planning platform Fidelity uses every day with customers. The result: a numerical indicator showing whether savers are on track to meet estimated retirement income needs. The score places households into four categories on the preparedness spectrum, based on a household’s ability to cover estimated retirement expenses in a down market. Read book here

Pension Administration in Nigeria: Lessons and Reflections

By Opeyemi Naimot Dawodu In every democratic society, from the jurisprudential perspective, there are certain ideals that must be present one of which is social justice. These ideals are aspirations and the nearer a society is to these aspirations, the better the society is. In a country like Nigeria, pension is one of the social objectives in partial fulfillment of the ideals present in Chapter 2 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as amended 2011) and as such how this...

COVID-19 Private Pension Withdrawals and Unemployment Tenures

By Tristram Sainsbury, Robert V. Breunig & Timothy Watson This is the first study to evaluate the effects of early pension withdrawal policies on tenures on unemployment payments in the COVID-19 context. We use a novel set of linked whole-of-population administrative records to examine more than half-a-million Australians who found themselves newly on an unemployment payment in the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. We estimate that receiving a lump sum of up to A$10,000 from superannuation accounts at the...

Pensions and the Nordic Welfare Model

By Torben M. Andersen Within the frame of the Nordic welfare model, pension system design has taken very different routes. While the overall aims in terms of distribution and replacement rates are similar, the division of labour between defined benefit and contribution as well as pay-as-you-go versus funded schemes differs significantly. The main characteristics of the pension systems in the Nordic countries are presented, and outcomes relating to pension adequacy in terms of poverty and replacement rates are discussed. Specific...

Protestas contra la reforma de las pensiones en Francia se intensifican

En la novena jornada de manifestaciones, más de un millón de personas se unieron a las marchas en todo el país. Mientras el gobierno espera que la movilización "decaiga", los sindicatos ya llamaron a nuevas protestas. Más de un millón de personas protestaron este jueves (23.03.2023) en tensas marchas en Francia contra la impopular reforma de las pensiones del presidente liberal Emmanuel Macron, a quien los sindicatos acusan de querer incendiar las calles. La novena jornada de manifestaciones a llamado de...

Fondos de pensiones critican reforma de Petro destacando casos en México y Chile

La Asociación Colombiana de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones y de Cesantía (AFP) criticó la reforma a las jubilaciones radicada por el Gobierno destacando casos en México y Chile, al considerar que esta podría afectar “seriamente el mercado de capitales” y tiende a “la estatización de la economía”. “Lo que hemos mostrado es que el ahorro nacional se ve golpeado por esta reforma. Del flujo del ahorro de las cotizaciones que estaban en las AFP pasa un 80% a Colpensiones....

Boric sobre fallidos autopréstamos: “Es pan para hoy y hambre para mañana”

El presidente de Chile, el izquierdista Gabriel Boric, celebró hoy que la Cámara de Diputados haya rechazado un proyecto de "autopréstamos" que permite a los ciudadanos retirar entre el 15 % y el 100 % de sus fondos privados de pensiones y devolver el dinero en unos años. "A los parlamentarios que insisten en que los trabajadores se rasquen con sus propias uñas y recurran a sus ahorros para enfrentar las dificultades del momento, mediante autopréstamos o retiros, les decimos...

Mujeres mexicanas ahorran más para su retiro que los hombres, revela estudio

Las mujeres mexicanas ahorran más en proporción para su retiro que los hombres, aunque reciben menores pensiones y tienen menor acceso a cuentas formales por la brecha salarial que existe en el país, concluyó un estudio de la organización México, ¿Cómo Vamos? (MCV) presentado este martes. De acuerdo con el “Diagnóstico del ahorro en México”, elaborado con Vanguard, segundo administrador de inversiones más grande del mundo, solo un 2,8 % de las mujeres destina recursos para la vejez o el...

Hackers breach U.K. Pension Protection Fund, steal employee data

Hackers obtained data on some employees of the U.K.'s Pension Protection Fund after exploiting a third-party data transfer service, according to a fund spokesperson. The Pension Protection Fund manages £39 billion of assets for its 295,000 members, according to its website. The fund protects people with a defined benefit pension when an employer becomes insolvent. By exploiting the Go Anywhere transfer service, intruders compromised some employee data, Jenny Peters, a spokesperson for the fund, said in a statement. The hackers were...

French visit by Britain’s King Charles postponed due to pension protests

A visit to France by King Charles III, due to start on Sunday, has been postponed at the request of President Emmanuel Macron because of ongoing protests over pension reform. There has been widespread violence and unions have called a national day of protest on Tuesday. The French presidency said the postponement was decided after a call between Macron and the king on Friday morning. "Given the announcement yesterday of another national day of protests against pension reform on Tuesday March...