European pension companies are shifting from US to European stocks, with investors withdrawing $2.8 billion fr ...

U.S. pension risk transfer volume topped $50 billion in 2024, just shy of the record-setting volume two years ...

When is the right time in life to get married or have a child? What is the best age to buy a home? Is there an ...

The State Pension age will be rising from next year, the age is currently 66 for both men and women. It will g ...

Retirement just got a little boost for many public sector retirees and their spouses. By the end of this month ...
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Pension Reform and Stock Market Development
By Shujaat Khan, Bo Li & Yunhui Zhao We highlight the strong connection between developing fully-funded, individually-owned, collectively-managed, mandatory/incentivized (FICMI) pension schemes and the development of domestic stock markets. We do so by building a stylized model and complementing the analysis with cross-country empirical analysis and case studies. We also highlight the challenges of individual […]
Public pensions reforms: financial and political sustainability
By Julián Díaz Saavedra One main reason for the unsustainability of future pensions in many European countries is a failure to adapt to very long-term demographic trends. Also, a reform to address financing issues can also be an occasion to improve pension design. Sometimes, however, such pension reforms are likely to be overturned when they […]
Pension Funding Index February 2025
By Zorast Wadia The funded status of the 100 largest U.S. corporate defined benefit pension plans increased by $12 billion during January, as measured by the Milliman 100 Pension Funding Index (PFI). The funding surplus improved to $71 billion as a result of liability decreases and investment returns that surpassed expectations. Pension liabilities fell during […]
What Age Do People Around the World Think Is Best to Reach Major Life Milestones?
When is the right time in life to get married or have a child? What is the best age to buy a home? Is there an ideal age for retirement? We asked adults in 18 mostly middle-income countries what they think is the best age to reach these life milestones. Overall, there is a lot […]
UK. DWP State Pension age to rise next year for thousands
The State Pension age will be rising from next year, the age is currently 66 for both men and women. It will gradually increase to 67 between 2026 and 2028 for those born after April 1960. The transition process is then expected to be completed for everyone by March 2028. The planned change to the […]
US. Some retirees will see bump in Social Security benefit starting next month
Retirement just got a little boost for many public sector retirees and their spouses. By the end of this month, more than 3 million Social Security recipients affected by the Social Security Fairness Act that President Biden signed into law in January will see a bump in their benefits. This law increases monthly Social Security […]
South Korea approves reforms to shore up $830 bln state pension fund
South Korea’s parliament on Thursday passed a bill to reform the country’s $830 billion pension fund and delay the depletion of the state fund that has been on track to run out by the mid-2050s due to a rapidly ageing population. The bill’s passage marks the first time parliament has agreed to a major shake-up […]