April 2023

Incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors into fixed income investment

By The World Bank Group  A growing body of research shows that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors are material credit risk for fixed income investors. The evidence suggests that incorporating ESG into fixed income investing should be part of the overall credit risk analysis and should contribute to more stable financial returns. Its also dispels the myth that incorporating ESG means having to sacrifice financial returns. ESG investing is increasingly becoming part of the mainstream investment process for fixed income investors, as opposed...

March 2023

Pension Administration in Nigeria: Lessons and Reflections

By Opeyemi Naimot Dawodu In every democratic society, from the jurisprudential perspective, there are certain ideals that must be present one of which is social justice. These ideals are aspirations and the nearer a society is to these aspirations, the better the society is. In a country like Nigeria, pension is one of the social objectives in partial fulfillment of the ideals present in Chapter 2 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as amended 2011) and as such how this...

June 2022

LGBT: Retirement Preparations Amid Social Progress

By AEGON LGBT: Retirement Preparations Amid Social Progress is a collaboration between Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement, and nonprofits Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® (US), and Instituto de Longevidade Mongeral Aegon (Brazil). The report focuses on the retirement aspirations and plans among the LGBT community, and highlights findings from LGBT survey respondents from nine of the 15 surveyed countries comprising the 6th Annual Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey. Many of the traditional patterns of family and working life, including the way...

April 2022

Retirement Savings Policy: Past, Present, and Future (The Alexandra Lajoux Corporate Governance)

By Michael P. P. Barry Retirement Savings Policy reviews the basic policies that govern retirement savings plans, and their real world application, focusing on the key issues of finance, taxation, fiduciary conduct, and employee choice. The discussion is framed around the three fundamental challenges confronting employers and employees today – the pension legacy, the 401(k) revolution, and the pressure, from policymakers, regulators, opinion leaders, and individuals, for changes that will put retirement security within reach of all Americans. With more...

Esfuerzos Mal Recompensados: La Elusiva Búsqueda de la Prosperidad En México

Por Santiago Levy Esfuerzos mal recompensados: la elusiva búsqueda de la prosperidad en México es un análisis inédito de datos sobre millones de empresas establecidas en México, basado en los censos económicos de las últimas dos décadas. El estudio identifica los cuellos de botella que ralentizan la economía mexicana, cuyo crecimiento promedió apenas 1.2% entre 1996 y 2015 en términos per cápita, por debajo de sus pares latinoamericanos y muy por detrás de las economías más dinámicas de Asia. De acuerdo...

Análisis de la sostenibilidad del sistema de pensiones ecuatoriano, periodo 2013-2025

Por Mario Andrés Contreras Jaramillo La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la cuantía del gasto en pensiones en jubilación a financiar por cotizante durante el periodo 2013-2025, tomando como variable de incidencia al factor demográfico para determinar si el Sistema de Pensiones de Ecuador es sostenible en el tiempo. En primera instancia se realiza una revisión de la Seguridad Social en un contexto mundial a lo largo de la historia, posterior a ello, se enfatiza el papel de...

Age-friendly cities and communities: A global perspective

By Tine Buffel, Sophie Handler & Chris Phillipson New book Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: A Global Perspective, Policy Press Tine Buffel, Sophie Handler and Chris Phillipson (Editors) Bringing together leading researchers and policy-makers working to develop age-friendly cities and communities, this edited volume examines the potential of developing urban environments responsive to the needs of older people. The book provides numerous case studies and examples of good practice, drawing upon work in Australia, Europe, Hong Kong, and the USA. It...

March 2022

La desestructuración del sistema peruano de pensiones

Por María Amparo Cruz Saco,  Bruno Seminario,  Favio Leiva, Carla Moreno & María Alejandra Zegarra El acelerado envejecimiento y la elevación de la esperanza de vida en todas partes son remarcables. Las pirámides de edad se están transformando en rectángulos (Bengtson & Lowenstein, pp. 6-9). Ello implica que las proporciones de niños, jóvenes, adultos y personas mayores serán aproximadamente iguales. Las tasas de dependencia se elevan de modo tal que un número menor de personas en edad de trabajar financia a...

February 2022

El Sistema de Pensiones A 16 años de la reforma

Por SIPEN Una de las conquistas sociales de mayor trascendencia que ha experimentado el país en las últimas décadas es, sin lugar a dudas, la creación del Sistema Dominicano de Pensiones. Conquista que ha dotado al país de un esquema previsional financieramente sostenible, bajo una estructura de mercado en la que las inversiones son realizadas por empresas especializadas en la administración de fondos de pensiones, al tiempo que se ha diseñado para incluir, bajo un marco de gradualidad, a los...

The Taxation of Pensions

By Robert Holzmann & John Piggott Theoretical and policy perspectives on the taxation of pension, viewed in an international context. Policy makers and academic researchers have been preoccupied in recent decades with the design of pension schemes and effective pension system reform. Relatively little attention has been given to the taxation of pensions and, more broadly, the provision of retirement income. In this book, experts from a range of countries explore the interconnection. Their contributions are especially timely, given recent demographic...