August 2022

Mercer’s Asia Retirement Survey Report

By Mercer Conducted over 2019 to 2021, this series leverages our client base across Asia, and aims to bring together common issues in retirement security that Asia business leaders, HR and Finance partners can take action on. In combination, we have surveyed views from more than 700 employers from all industries, with responsibility for the well-being of over 120,000 employees. Get the report here

The Health and Retirement Study. Aging in the 21st Century. Challenges and Opportunities for Americans

By Survey Research Center. Institute for Social Research University of Michigan Published in 2006, the first HRS data book sought to introduce the world to the HRS by describing the study’s innovative design and content and providing some early findings within the main content areas of health, work and retirement, income and wealth, and family connections. In the decade since, the HRS has built on its foundation of innovation, pioneering in new directions and increasing the data’s value and relevance. The...

The Vanguard Participant Saving Rate Index

By Jeffrey W. Clark & Jean A. Young Saving rates are fundamental to retirement wealth accumulations. In this paper, we assess whether Vanguard defined contribution plan participants are saving optimally in their current workplace retirement plan. ● We find that 7 in 10 defined contribution plan participants are saving at rates that would enable them to attain a 65% replacement rate in retirement. Saving rates include both the employee elective contributions and any employer contributions. ● We find that a modest increase...

Social Protection for the Informal Economy. Operational Lessons for Developing Countries in Africa and Beyond

By Melis Guven, Himanshi Jain, & Clement Joubert The informal economy in Africa is large and diverse, and it is the main source of employment in the region. It is projected to grow and create more jobs. The informal economy is well established in the region, but it also faces a host of development challenges. It is characterized by low human capital and productivity compared with the formal economy and is typically associated with limited access to resources such as electricity, finance,...

Investment results for 1Q of fiscal 2022(update report)

By GPIF Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) manages the public pension fund in the long term and its investment results should be assessed in the same manner. In addition to the annual report, which is legally required, GPIF publishes the quarterly update report to enhance the transparency to the public. Please note that returns, which are marked to market as of the end of each quarter, include unrealized gains and losses and are influenced by the market trends. Get the report here...

The Essential Book of Corporate Governance

By G. N. Bajpai This book helps organizations to maximize wealth creation, build enduring relationships with stakeholders and be a net contributor to the economies of operated geographies. Based on extensive research, CXO interviews and case studies, the book assists companies to develop their own governance best practices. Get the book here  176 views

July 2022

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021: Reporting our progress

By Legal and General In 2021, we have once again seen a continued, progressive narrowing of our pay gap, from 26.6% to 24.1%. This progress reflects the focus we have applied over the past year to creating a more diverse workforce and a more inclusive workplace where everyone can succeed. In this report, we share our latest gender pay gap data and update stakeholders on the steps we’re taking to narrow the gap further. Monitoring and reporting the gap over...

The 2022 BlackRock Read on Retirement

By BlackRock Retirement savings isn’t always an even playing field, but as an industry we can seek better outcomes. That’s why we’ve reimagined our DC Pulse survey to provide a more accurate “Read on Retirement” and what it means for more and more people. The pandemic caused people to rethink what they need for retirement, and inspired employers to offer more strategies to help employees save for the short and long-term. Yet not everyone has access to a workplace plan, and...

Defined Benefit Risk Phase 2: Expert Interviews

By David G. Pitts Over the course of 2020 and 2021, the research team interviewed the following subjects: • Chief Financial Officer • Chief Risk Officer • Multiemployer Plan FSA • Public Plan FSA • Investment Consultant / FSA • Outsourced Chief Investment Officer / FSA • Canadian FSA / CERA Each interview lasted approximately one hour. All interviewees are senior practitioners in the defined benefit space. The interview notes include a faithful representation of the ideas discussed, with some changes in minor details to ensure the anonymity of the respondent. Executive...

Pension Fund Environmental, Social and Governance Risk Disclosures: Developing Global Practice

By International Actuarial Association  The paper summarizes the main features and trends in pension fund Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk disclosures around the world available to regulators, members and the public. It includes reference to statutory requirements, general practice and voluntary disclosures in relation to pension fund accounts and other documents made available to members, such as benefit/fund statements. We discuss the financial and reputational risks which ESG issues can present to pension fund investments and to long-term performance. We refer...