A new dawn for pensions

Like the city, Thailand’s pensions and investments landscape is a diverse and complex mix of new and old concepts, with progress being the ultimate objective. Thus, the day-long forum, aptly titled New Directions, New Perspectives, resonated well with the 300-plus asset managers and investors who attended, as it sought to seek new solutions to an age-old question: are we doing enough to retire comfortably?

According to a 2017 Global Investment Report by investment manager Schroders, among Asian countries, Thailand and Taiwan “have a near-universal agreement about the importance of investing for supplementing retirement income, with 90% and 89% of people respectively expressing this priority”. Today’s high-volatility, low-yield environment also serves as a catalyst for investors to seek stability amid uncertain markets, with many turning to technology to gain some semblance of predictability and security.

The diverse topics discussed at the Thailand Roundtable included: Applying Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning to Equity Investments; How to Get a Grip on Volatility in Equity Markets; and Thailand’s Provident Funds: Issues and Challenges.

Read More: Asia Asset